Chapter 10: Together has colleagues

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"Are you sure we can trust them?"

"They have no where to go. Plus they are always around him."

"How does he feel about it?"

"I haven't told him yet."

"You know where to find him."

Hassen nodded and left the office. He knows his son won't like this decision, but it has to be made to protect him and the gray ravens. Really all of Babylonia. He saw Alpha and Luna. Hassen walked up to them.

"We need to talk."


"Why did you seek me out?"

"I need your help."

"Oh. Look how the mighty has fallen."

"Shut up! I need you to find someone."

"What's in it for me?"

"I can get you into Babylonia and freed from the ascendants."

He smiled.

"You have a deal."


Vera was at the Commandant's door. She wanted to show off her new frame. They also had a mission together. She knocked the door and waited for him to opened it. She heard his footsteps and a smile was slowing appearing on her face.

The door open and the Commandant was shocked to see her.

"Oh Vera. What brings you here?"

"You are surprised to see me?"

"Yeah. You usually follow me from the shadows."

"That's not the point right now. I came to show you my new frame and we have a mission together."

"Oh. What do we have to do?"

"We are going to a station in Atlantis."


"I can't believe that kid got me hunting for this thing."

He continued his search. He was enjoying the hunt. Yet he felt something was missing. The male began to ponder on the past, when the boy and him would go on missions together. They would talk and fight, but get the job done.

He sensed someone was following him. He smiled wickedly. The gray haired male stopped.

"Why are you following me?"

"Keeping tabs on you?"

"Did he tell you to do so?"


"Soon as Mars gets back, the gray ravens are going on a mission."

"What do we have to do?"

"You guys are going investigate the red sea, and hetero-creatures."

"I see."

"This mission will be the most difficult for the gray raven's yet."

"Where is the Commandant now?"

"He's on a mission with Vera."

The Gray Raven's looked at each other.

"He will be back soon, but we have something else to tell you."

"What is that?" Lee questioned

Hassen sighed a bit.

"Alpha and Luna are going to be staying here. We need them for Mars."

"What do you mean?"

"Mars is an ascendant. They are two. If he gets damage we need them to repair him."

The Gray Raven's looked at each other.

"We are against it, but we see why we need them."

"Fair enough."

Celica rushed in the meeting room.

"President Hassen something happened?"

"What happened?"

"Mars is hurt really bad. Vera just brought him back."

"Where is he?"

"Medical bay."

They all rush out the room to go to the medical bay. When they reached the medical, they saw Vera.


She turned around with a horrified look on her face.

"What happened?"

"Corrupted jumped us when we finished our mission."

Liv screamed when she saw the Commandant unconscious.

"He saved me but..."

Everyone looked and saw he was missing any arm and an eye.

"Something was control the corrupted that attack us."

"It could be that Queen." Lee stated.

"We will find out, but our main concern is Mars."


"So this is your hideout."

He looked all around.

"Time to report back to him."

He heard something coming towards him.

"I see you returned."

He smiled as his enemy drew out their weapon.

"I guess it's time to fight."

His enemy charged at him.

"I have a promise to keep to a friend." 

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