Chapter 8: Control

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The Commandant was walking again. He was still bandaged up. Vera was still secretly following him. The Gray Raven and Selena was around him everyday. The Commandant was reading. Selena sat next to him.



She knew the Commandant wasn't paying her no mind because he was into his book, but he was listening.

"Can you teach me something?"

"Teach you what?"

"How to control the Punishing Virus."

Mars closed his book and looked at Selena.


"Why not?"

"You don't need to control it. You need to fight it."

"But you control it."

"So. I don't want to, but I do."

Selena look puzzled.

"I was forced to control it. I just use it to fight to give me mobility."

"Can you explain?"

"Luna uses the virus as a weapon. I use it to increase my speed, or fortify myself."

Selena was amazed.

"The how do you teleport?"

"It's ability that my Construct part have."

Selena wanted to know more, but she wants to control the virus to fight better.

"Commandant I want to know how to use the punishing virus."

"Selena you are great at fighting. You trained me."

She couldn't argue with that.

"Commandant it's just...."

"I know the last battle has you feeling. Like are weak, but your aren't." The Commandant said cutting Selena off.

Selena smiled and hugged the Commandant. Lee was watching them both.

"I'm going to take a nap."

The Commandant got up and left the lounge. Lee followed him.

"I hear you want to learn how to control the punishing virus."


The Commandant made it to his room.


He turned around and saw Lee.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if we could go out again or train?"

"You want to spend time with me?" The Commandant teased

A pink hue appeared on Lee's face. The Commandant chuckled.

"Sure, we can do both if you like."

Lee nodded with a smile.

"Commandant I'm here for our nap."

Lee was shocked to see Liv.

"Why you say it like that? You are just monitoring my heart rate."

Lee chuckled and walked away. As he was walking he saw President Hassan.

"Ah Lee. Is Mars, sleeping yet?"

"President. Yes Liv is monitoring."

"Okay. I will talk to him later."

"Can I ask you something?"

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