Chapter 3: Forest Guard

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Vera couldn't believe what she saw yesterday. That image was burned into her brain. She wanted scold and punish the Commandant, but she was too shocked to do it. She followed the Commandant's move ever since that day. She has been watching him from the shadows.

She saw the Commandant walk into the conference room. She stood close to the door to hear what was being said.

"The Forest Guard need our help."

"Your team is going help them."


"You have to suppress the corrupted and defeat who is sending them."


"You may go. Be safe. I know who you are."

Vera heard the door move and quickly ran to find a hiding place.

Mars started walking to the Gray Raven lounge.

The red haired Construct began to follow the Commandant. She heard him talking to himself.

"So we going need the Strike Hawks, Nanami."

"Then we going need Karenina."

Vera was hoping he would say her name.

"I should ask Vera."

She smiled a bit and continued to follow him.

"I think this team would work."

"I would call Selena and Ayla, but they are too busy."

"But the Forest Guard is going be there. I don't want to bring so many people and they get hurt."

Vera was shocked on how much planning was going on. Most importantly how much he care for the Constructs.

"Okay so just Strike hawks, Vera, Karenina, and Nanami."

Vera smiled brightly.

"So The Strike hawks can take the south east. Gray Ravens can take the front line. Vera, Karenina and Nanami can take the west."

"Commandant your M.I.N.D is rising. You can get a headache. Is everything okay?"

The Commandant looked up and saw Liv with a worried look.

"I'm fine. I was making a plan for our next mission."

"Okay. Don't stress yourself."

"I won't."

"Do you need anything?"

Mars asked Liv can she get everyone to the Gray Raven lounge.

Liv nodded and went to get Lucia to help her.


He saw Lee.

"Lee is something wrong?"

"I was worried about you. Liv and Lucia are getting everyone together. Are you hurt or something?"

"We have a mission. I'm getting the team together."

"Oh. I'm sorry for worrying."

"It's okay. You worrying means you care about me."

Lee smiled.

"Anyway can you look over my plan for our mission?"

"Yes Commandant."

"Thank you. I'm going to get some to drink before our meeting."

"Can I come with, while looking over the plan?"


Lee nodded and followed the Commandant.

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