Chapter 7: A Dangerous Battle

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Vera was following the Commandant around. She noticed he was reading something. He stopped and turned around. Vera quickly hid. He shrugged and kept walking. Vera continued to follow him.


He looked up and saw Liv.

"Hey Liv. What's up?"

"Lucia was looking for you."

"Oh. Where is she?"

"She is in our team's training room."

Mars nodded and went towards the training room. Vera was still following him. She saw him still reading something. He turned a corner and so did Vera.

They entered the training room, and Vera found a prefect hiding spot to watch the Commandant. She watched the Commandant talk to Lucia.

"Lucia is everything okay?" The Commandant asked

"Yes. Everything is fine. It's just I have a present for you."

The Commandant was shocked.


"This gift is from Alpha, Selena, and me." Lucia said

"They wanted you give me the gift?"

Lucia nodded.

"Okay. What is it?"

The dark hair female pulled out a flute-sword, that was hand crafted. Mars took it. It was light, and it chrome with the Commandants name carved into it. He also saw his Ascendant name.

" Why my Ascendant name?"

"Alpha thought it was fitting."

Mars smirked.

"I guess."

"Do you want to train?" Lucia asked


Lucia took out her sword and Mars readied his flute-sword. They took their fighting stance.

"Commandant don't hold back." Lucia said powerfully

"You don't hold back either."

They rushed towards each other. The two swords clashed. Vera was intrigued by the two.

They jumped away. Mars put the flute to his mouth, but Lucia started rushing him down. Mars was dodging Lucia's attacks while still playing the flute. Lucia felt herself slowing down.

The Commandant saw this, and quickly took advantage. He cut Lucia across the chest and kicked her away.

"You are good Commandant." Lucia said with a smile


Lucia started running towards him again. Mars waited, he started studying her. Vera was impressed. She couldn't believe Mars was adapting to his new weapon so quickly.

Lucia was swinging her blade trying to hit the commandant but he kept dodging. The Commandant was swift, Lucia admired it but was slowing getting frustrated. He grabbed her blade. Lucia's eye became big. He twisted her arm, forcing her to drop her katana.

"You was getting frustrated. So I had to end in training session."

Lucia just looked at the Commandant.

"You shouldn't get mad you can't hit me. It's part of battling."

'Commandant I'm sorry. It's usually...."

Mars placed his finger under her chin.

"You always train with Lee, and you usually cut him by now. Every opponent is different."

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