Chapter 4: Truth

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Everyone was in the Gray Raven lounge, worried about the Commandant. Wondering if he's going to make it or not.


President Hassen walked in.

"President!" Lucia jumped up from the couch.

"Is he gone?" Liv asked quietly

"He going make it."

Everyone was happy.


"But what?"

"I don't know how to say this."

"Tell us!" Lee ordered.

"He going be out for some time."

"So are we still going get missions?"

President shook his head no.

"The Strike Hawk and their Commandant are going to do the Gray Raven work until Mars recover."

Chrome and Kamui looked at each other.

"We will do you guys proud."

President Hassen sighed.

"You guys need to know something about Mars."


"We know he's an Ascendant." Karenina said.

"That makes my job easier."

"Let him tell us." Lee said

"Thank you."

Hassen took a breath.

"Mars is my son. I basically adopted him. A team rescued him from The leader of the Ascendants."

Everyone's eyes were wide.

"Don't get it wrong he is still human. From what the Ascendants did to him, made him able to control the virus. What you guys saw on the battle field, was in his Ascendant form. A form I suppress, with his recent surgery. That surgery where he had to train all over again, was to kept him in his human form, but allow him to fight with his team."

Hassen paused for a moment.

"But before he became the Gray Raven's Commandant...he left Babylonia, because he was still being control but the Ascendants. He never came back, so I thought he was dead, but I was wrong. He went there to end his suffering with them."

They saw a tears running down his face.

"But after today, I thought I lose my son again. Please don't tell him, that you guys know the truth about him."

All of them nodded.

"President. I think we all have the same question." Liv said.

"What is it?"

"What's his connection with Alpha?"

He wiped his tears and recomposed himself.

"They are the Queen and King of the Ascendants supposedly."

"But why she nearly killed him?" Lucia questioned

"Because the Leader of the Ascendants ordered her too. If you guys can't tell Alpha cares for him. What ever he did to the leader she hold a grudge and wants him dead."

"It's has to be him being too powerful." Chrome said

Everyone looked at him.

"You guys saw it. Alpha and him are evenly matched, but he probably one percent above her."

"I'm glad with have two Ascendants on our side." Kamui said

"I  signed Bianca to take care of him for awhile until he's back to normal, but everyone gets some rest."

The President left the lounge. Lee, Liv and Lucia left too and went to medical bay to see their Commandant. They saw Bianca next to him.

They walked into the room.

"Miss Bianca can we speak to our Commandant?" Liv shyly asked

"He's in no condition to talk."

They saw their Commandant was still out.

"We will come back later then."


They turned back at Bianca.

"Who did this to him?"

"Alpha." Lucia said coldly

Bianca didn't respond.

They heard an Alarm going off.

"Intruder alert. Intruder Alert."

Gray Raven and Bianca pulled out their weapons. The Commandant's room window shattered.


She ignored them and grabbed the Commandant.

"His vitals are dropping!" Liv yelled

Alpha left the room with the Commandant. Lee, Lucia, and Bianca ran after her.

"I will a tone for what I did."

She ran into an escape pod and quickly closed the door. Lee started shooting at pod door, but the pod left.

"Gray Raven!"

President Hassen was running towards them.

"What's going on?"

"Alpha came and took Mars."

He looked heartbroken. He took a breath.

"We have to look for him. Gather Strike Hawk. Team Cerberus, The Forsaken, Karenina, Selena, Ayla and Bianca. We are getting him back." 

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