Chapter 2: A New Dawn

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It took Months for The Commandant to adjust after his surgery. He was in a conference room with President Hassen.

"We want you go on a solo mission. Just to test out your abilities."

"Okay. Does my team know?"

"No. You can't tell them either."

Mars nodded.

"You leave for your mission in 30 minutes. You will have to find the a new and improved Nozzle."

"Okay. I won't let you down."

Mars went to the drop pods. Luckily for him he made it without his team finding out. He entered the pod, and felt someone feeler with him.

"So your first mission?"



"No. Nervous and scared."

The female smiled a bit.

"You will be fine."

"Thank you."

"I meet you on the field."

He smiled a bit, then laughed.

"You pity me."

"No. It's just I care about you. That is all."

He felt movement.

"I'm bout to launch."

"I see you on the field."

The pod launch to earth. The Commandant was ready for whatever comes his way.

The pod landed on Earth. It opened and he walked out. He began to scan the area.

"You know they are watching you."

"So that's why you are in my head, on a cryptic feed?"

It was silence.

"Just move. I guide you to the New Nozzle."

He listened to the female's directions. It was clear path so far, but the voice warned him about corrupted ahead of him.

He ran into a group of corrupted. They saw him and ran towards him.

"Let's see what you can do."

He chuckled at the female voice. He pulled out his flute and blew in it. Sound waves cut the corrupted in half, but one dodged and charged at The Commandant. He quickly extended his flute into a sword and sliced the corrupted into pieces.

"You learned that from me." The voice said

The boy just chuckled. He continued on his mission.

"The Nozzle is up ahead."

He saw a golden robot, who was making Graffiti Art."

The Nozzle turned around and saw The Commandant.

"Are you here to stop me?"

The Commandant didn't respond. Nozzle aimed his cannon at his enemy. The Commandant vanished. His enemy looked around, then laughed.

"He got scared and chickened out."

Nozzle felt a blade entered his back.

"Sound execution."

A sound wave sliced Nozzle in half.

"You did good."

"Thank you. Now how I get out of here?"

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