Chapter 7: Not everything goes to plan

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Come on you guys, we're almost there! " Johnny shouted with excitement while running towards the same backdoor where the last fight took place against the cybernetic Lin Kuei. He pushed the door with a soft grunt, almost falling onto the ground since the entrance was almost sealed tight, he looked around the church, but there was no one around, expect for a few piles of dead bodies of metal with severed arms, legs or heads

" Ew! What's the fuck that's smell? " Johnny pinched his nose to block the horrifying smell that was coming nearby " Did someone forgot to sanitize with Holly water or something? " he joked, of course there was time for jokes in situations like this, Johnny couldn't care less anyway.

It couldn't be the cybers... Wait. There's something over there. " Stryker stepped forward while ignoring the smell, and he began walking where it's coming from, and the other two warriors followed him after with caution. As Stryker finally approached the body, he was stunned, speechless even, and horrified to see the sight of a motionless body with a familiar face that the broken respirator and face mask was shattered, bruises and blood everywhere that had worsen the male's burnt marks. can't be.. I'm sorry Kabal. " he got down on knees, witnessing his trusted friend and partner who once fought criminals and saving the city with him for years, now dead right in front of him " I shouldn't have... left by your side so I could protect you. " his voice started to broke down, choking a little while small trickle of tears were falling onto his cheeks as he held the lifeless body in his arms, crying for the loss of his best friend.

Johnny went silent for the first time, just standing there since he felt pity for the police man, and Kung Lao stood there taking his blade hat off, and tilted his head down, staying silent to honor Kabal's death.

  A few minutes have passed, Stryker still remained by Kabal's side, but he wasn't gonna mourn for his friend's death for too long ; so he stood up, still holding his hat right after he took out from his head to honor his death, wiping the tears away before looking at Kung Lao and Johnny " We're not just gonna stand here in vain for too long and let the opposition win. We have to keep searching for our friends and end this fight! We're not gonna give up easily, let's do this. " he exclaimed, feeling encouraged with anger and motivated since he already knew what was happening around him, both of his new companions cheered, ready to fight again.

Do you think you can escape this time..? Hahah... " A voice echoed throughout the halls of the church, making the three Kombatants to shudder from the unfamiliar voice and staying alert, and to be prepared from anything that's gonna come for them.

  Today, we may have loss some of the warriors who had fought with honour and a strong will against the Outworld invaders, but this doesn't mean their sacrifices are nothing. We will avenge their deaths by bringing Shao Khan to justice by letting him to enter the Earth and merge the Realms, so it will be a violation to the rules of Mortal Kombat. " Raiden spoke in anger and sadness in his voice while standing in the middle of the courtyard of the Wu Shi Academy, with the remaining Kombatants standing there paying their respects " I know this might sound outrageous to all for you, but we shouldn't lose our hope, we will safe Earth realm once again " he looked at his friends " And save the others as well, only if we know where they are... "

We will find them, Liu, I'll help you with the search " the princess held Liu Kang by the hand and squeezing it gently " Let us pray that the emperor wouldn't send any of his assassins to go after them. " she assured him with a soft hug around his arm, and Liu sighed, nodding, and hoping that Kung Lao will manage to stay alive this time, as well as Cage and Stryker.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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