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Domestic Violence, threats, blood, implications of Self-Harm and sexual abuse, graphic injury, and Self-Piercing.

I ran up the stairs quickly and turned around "Just leave me alone!!" I shouted "I love you, you know this is meant to be! That's why I brought you out here!" He exclaimed, coming up the steps. I grabbed the rifle next to me on the right and aimed it "You don't have to do this. Just let me go!" I exclaimed as he came up "If I can't have you, nobody can." He said "Well, consider that no longer an option." I said before aiming the rifle to myself.


I looked at the bathroom mirror with disgust. Fed up of all the things I've gone through, and he's leaving today...I have been so distraught. I pulled a razor out of my backpack and started at my head; my hair falling to the sink as I guided the razor on my scalp. After I finished I proceeded to put makeup on and I took out a blade. I walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hall; trying to get outside. I need to say goodbye, and I need to tell him the truth "Where do you think you're going?" He asked me. I turned around and saw him "N-nowhere. I-I jus-" "Shut up. Come with me and get in the car. I have to take you home." He cut me off. I shook my head and ran out the door. I could hear him screaming my name in disdain...I saw him. He glances back, as if he heard me coming. But I get swooped up "NOO!!!" I screamed as I get carried back to the parking lot of the school. I got thrown down to the asphalt "Now that he's gone I know I own you now." He said. I get up and he punched my face; knocking me back. I could taste blood in my mouth. "Stop being stupid and get in the car." He said before leaning down and yanking my arms. I kicked helplessly before I was shoved into the car on my stomach "No!! Not again!!" I shouted, gripping the backseat...the drive down the road was the most silence I ever had. "I would like to go to the gas station, please." I said "Why?" "I need to use the bathroom. I'm sure my parents would wonder why I'm bruised up." I said. He rolled his eyes and growled "Whatever. I'll just tell them that you were acting out again. You're certifiable." He said. We get to the gas station and I run out of the car to get into the bathroom; I could hear footsteps behind me as I ran. I ran into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I panted before pulling out a sewing needle, and pressed it into my tongue. I pierced my tongue and gave myself snakebites on my bottom lip before giving myself new gauges from hiders to black tapers. I looked out at the bathroom window and climbed above the toilet to break it. I need to get out of here; away from him. "Come on, just a little more." I thought. I felt the back of my shirt collar get yanked; causing me to choke and hit the tile floor. "Please, no!" I cried "You're the most ugliest thing I've ever seen." He said. He covered my mouth and got on top. I dealt with this for four, long years.


I got off the phone and passed by the nearby college. I put it in my back right pocket "A burner phone? What is this, 2005?" I turned around to see a girl; she was white with dark magenta eyes. She had white, medium hair, and translucent purple eye shadow with magenta painted nails. She also had a tattoo on her right arm that resembled a dream catcher, she wore a pair of silver, mini hoop earrings and a silver bracelet, silver piercings with one on her bottom lip and her eyebrow, a tight, dark magenta shirt, and black, baggy sweatpants. I arched my brow at her and crossed my arms. "Not much of a talker, huh? Hey, no shame. I think it's retro." She said. I nodded before looking down. I turned to walk. "I've never seen you around Hurricane before. You must be new." She said. My heart dropped. I need to think of something "You can say that." I said quietly, looking over to her. She nodded "I see. Freshman. Well, I'm taking Psychology." She said as I nodded "I don't know what I'm taking yet." Was all I could reply. Not really sure why this girl was talking to me. She put her hands on her hips "Well, I can show you around campus if you'd like. I'm Lucy by the way, Lucy, or Lulu Ann Imala." She said with a soft smile "YN." I replied dryly. She arched her brow "YN?" She asked as I nodded. She pursed her lips. "You're not supposed to be here...are you?" She asked. I looked at her and she crossed her arms. "I ran away from home when I was 15. My parents, they were schizos. One night they got overly violent and I took off. Trust me, I know how it-" "I really am here for college." I snapped. She looked at me with surprise. "I, I'm sorry. It's just, been a rough month is all. Can I make it up to you?" I asked. She pondered at me for a moment before nodding "Sure. I didn't mean to hit a nerve." She said with a wink. My eyes widened "Uh, no, you didn't. Look, I can take you to lunch or something. I've got to go find an apartment." I said. She smiled brightly "Well, you're in luck. I'm looking for a roommate. I'd love to take you in!" She exclaimed with ecstatic. I took a step back "We just met a few minutes ago...?" I said questioningly. She laughed "I know, silly. But you seem down on your luck. At least just think about it, m'kay?" She asked. I nodded, feeling very awkward. Is this how people did things in the city? A few days later I got with Lucy and we made a deal that we'd both pay for the rent. And that's the way it's been for the next four years...until now.

AN: So I decided to add a scene of how she met Lucy. Let me know what everyone thinks. PS, fun fact, I pierced my tongue when I was 6

Also, on Monday I got to shoot an AR-15 and got to shoot my gun out at a range. My brother shot a 22 and hit me on the neck with the shells, so this is what bullet casing burns look like on skin, for future reference, DON'T STAND CLOSE TO SOMEONE SHOOTING 🤣 (yes, it burned, but it felt like a hot glue gun)

 My brother shot a 22 and hit me on the neck with the shells, so this is what bullet casing burns look like on skin, for future reference, DON'T STAND CLOSE TO SOMEONE SHOOTING 🤣 (yes, it burned, but it felt like a hot glue gun)

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