Chapter 4: Jealousy

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AN: Posting this early because tomorrow's my birthday. I'll see everyone next Wednesday! I dunno about you, but I'm feelin' 22! (I don't even listen to Taylor Swift much, why do I keep making references? Lol)

Mentions of eating disorder, flashbacks of Domestic Violence, implications of Self-Harm, Violence, and Slight Sexuality.

Sunday, October 3rd, 2022

It's been a couple of weeks since that fight with Peter. I'm back to living life pretty okay. He's been seemingly sulking around; mostly at the park. I remember watching some of his TouYube videos at the time of all this. I open the door and walk into the Diner "Why, good morning! Didn't expect to see you on time!" TK greets with a laugh. I roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah. I've been up since 3 anyways." I state "Well, at least you chose to use your time wisely. You even look prettier today." They say. I arch my brow as I walk to the back. Did TK just say "prettier"? As I clock in I look back to see TK still working and whistling away. It's 9; meaning it's time to open. TK unlocks the door and flips the sign before coming to the back. "Ready for today?" They ask as I nod "Ready as I'll ever be. Say, don't you have to work truck today?" I ask. TK sighs "Yes. The truck arrives around noon, and Jackey and Savannah are coming in at 11:30. Hopefully today won't be too bad." They say as I nod "Yeah, no kidding." I reply. TK now nods and smiles at me "So, I have to ask. You've been a bit odd the past few weeks. Everything okay?" They ask. I look down "Oh, it's nothing. Just have some crap going on back home. I'll be okay." I say as they nod "Alright, well, if you ever need to talk. I'm here for ya." They say. Suddenly the bell rings and we hear the door open and shut. "Welp, that's our cue. I'll get them." TK says before leaving me. I look at our kitchen and notice that TK must have waxed the floors this morning; they're always really big on keeping the Diner clean. I start hearing silence; like, an awkward silence. Out of curiosity I now walk to the dining area to see TK...and Peter. Peter looks at me and looks like a sad child. His eyes are black and bloodshot, he looks unkempt and reeks of cigarette smoke. TK follows Peter's gaze and looks back at me. "Uh, YN, you mind helping this gentleman? I'm going to go set up the kitchen." They say uncomfortably as I nod. They pat my back and walk to the kitchen as I look at Peter; he glared when TK patted my shoulder. Silence still fills the room as we both just look at each other "Hi." Peter greets hoarsely "Hello." I reply back. Peter now looks ahead. "Are you okay?" I ask "I'm hurt, to tell you the truth. I'll be fine." He says "I don't look too good." I say, I put my right hand on the counter towards him, and he intertwines his left hand with mine "I promise to do better. I'm sorry if I seemed to have come on too strong, Darling." He says. I shake my head "No, it's me. Look..." I sigh. "Let's just say that I freaked when I saw that things were going so fast. It scared me, okay?" I ask. Peter nods solemnly "I want to be better for you. I want to make this work." He says before smiling weakly at me "Have you ate anything?" I ask, noticing that he's lost weight, or what little weight he already had. He looks down "Some. My stomach has been in knots since our fight." He says. I sigh "Peter, let me make you something. On the house." I say. He shakes his head "No, Darling." He replies "Well, do you want a coffee? Look, let me make this up to you. If I'd have known you were gonna become anorexic, I would have held my peace. I'm not taking no for an answer." I say, putting my left hand on my cocked hip. Peter notices my gesture and looks up "I would like that a lot, love it even. I'm sorry, Darling. And, black, by the way." He says, putting his hands in mine. I arch my brow before nodding "Oh, right." I say with a giggle. I move away, turn around, and start brewing the coffee pot when TK comes up to me "Didn't expect today to be slow. Have you gotten his order?" They ask as I nod "Yeah, don't worry, TK. I got his order. We were just talking." I say "I'm her boyfriend." Peter says proudly causing my eyes to widen. I look back and see TK look at me awkwardly "Oh, uh...okay. Well, I'm YN's manager, coworker, and best friend. TK." They say "Peter." Peter replies. I watch them glare at each other before moving the coffee pot and pouring the coffee into a Styrofoam cup. We started getting more busy as the day progessed. Peter had moved from the front counter to the booth we had our date in. I had made him some waffles earlier and he ate it gladly; when was the last time he ate? TK, where do I even start? They've been clingy with me, and talked to me more than anyone. Them and Peter would constantly glare daggers at one another. Every time TK and I were across from each other they would touch my hands while nonchalantly giving me food, and if they were doing a pickup at registers they would nonchalantly wrap their arm over my shoulders. After a while of this and the lunch rush 3:30 came. I got in the kitchen as there was a Karen outside complaining about her latte "TK, there's this woman outside upset that her latte was vanilla." I say. TK rolls their eyes "That's literally what she had asked for. Ugh, it's been one of those days. So, how long have you known Peter?" They ask, leaning against the stove awning. I arch my brow at the random question "Uhhhh...awhile." I say "You shouldn't be dating people you just met, YN. For all you know, he could be a serial killer." They say "I don't get why it really bothers you, TK." I say. TK rolls their eyes and walks, or storms, away from me. I sigh and walk to them and the woman. "I'm taking my break." I say. TK, mid-argument, just nods without even staring at me nor missing a beat "I'm just telling you, miss. I made the latte myself." "I said I wanted caramel!! How hard is that?!" She shouts. I head over to clock out and make it into the Dining Area. Peter is making a swan origami as I approach him and sit down "How long do you have?" He asks "An hour and a half. I had to work a double today." I reply as he nods "A lot of people really like this place, huh?" He asks "I guess people like getting their stomachs pumped." I say. Peter laughs "You're so funny, Darling." He says with a warm smile. I suddenly hear a splashing noise, and I look to my left to see TK soaked. I now stand up and make a beeline towards the woman "Hey, where do you think you have the right to throw things at people, huh?! Get out." I snap "Don't make my drinks wrong then. And this is none of your business, sweetie." "You abusing a coworker of mine made it my business, that will not be tolerated. Now leave or we will have the police escort you out." I demand. TK looks at me wide-eyed as the woman now scoffs "This place is like a zoo." She snaps before turning around and heading for the door "Don't let the door hit you on the way out either, Priss." I say. I turn to look at TK. "Are you okay?" I ask as they nod "Y-yeah, I'm, I'm gonna go wash off." They stammer, still stunned. I walk back to Peter and sit down "Darling, that was incredible." He says in awestruck "Oh, it's nothing. I just hate seeing people get treated like dirt." I say "Well, I don't have a problem with you defending people, but, uh..." He trails off. I arch my brow "Yes?" I ask "It's nothing. Just, is there...something going on between you two?" He asks. I give him a confused look "Uhh, what?" "You and your coworker. I dunno, he just seems, touchy, with you. I just, don't like people coming in on my territory." He says. I blink a few times before looking back at the counter and realizing what he's meaning "Are you meaning TK?" I ask "TK, YN. I mean, it just seems a bit odd is all, how close he's been with you." He says "Okay, first of all, TK is Non-Binary. Second of all, they are my manager and like a brother to me. Finally, are you seriously acting jealous right now? Because we are strictly in a sibling-like relationship." I say "I guess TK is into incest then. His, their hands have been all over you all day, and I know they were trying to get under my skin." Peter says as my jaw drops "Okay, why do you think TK has a random target on your back? That's not even like them." I say as Peter leans back "Darling, I barely know them and even I can tell they're into you." He says before sighing and leaning forward to grab my hands "I think I would know if TK had a crush on me, Peter." I snap "Hey, it's okay, Darling. And you know what? Yeah, I'm a little jealous, but it's just because I don't want to lose you. You mean everything to me." He says as I shake my head "I think you're taking this a bit too seriously. TK looks at me like a little sister. Our relationship is strictly platonic." I say as he nods "I'll take your word for it, Darling. I don't think you realize just how much you truly have an effect on people, especially me." He says "Ahem." We both look up to see TK. "YN, I was just wanting to thank you for earlier. That really meant a lot to me." They say as I nod "Of course, I'm always here for ya, TK." I say. They smile and suddenly sit beside Peter. Peter's eyes went wide as TK leans on the table "I have to say, Peter, if you want to have some food or anything, you can. You've just sat here all day." They say. Peter shifts uncomfortably "I'm fine. I'm just waiting for YN is all. I try to walk her home." He replies "Right. So, how did you two meet exactly?" TK asks. I bite my lower lip "I met her here about a couple of years ago, we just started to talk the other day and we just clicked." Peter says "I see. I'm guessing you were off today?" TK says questioningly. I watch Peter's body language, but he's calm "I work from home as a vlogger. And yes, I am." He says "Well, I just find it amazing that YN even spoke to you. I've known her for, what, four years, and she's never warmed up to people that fast. You must have really left quite an impression." TK says. Peter now arches his brow "Is there something you're trying to tell me, TK? Because YN is an adult woman, and she can make her own decisions on who she would like to be with." He says whilst crossing his arms "Hey, why don't we get some food, yeah?" I ask. Both TK and Peter stare at each other "Well, I'm just letting you know that YN also has a dear friend by her side. And if you think of doing anything to her there will be consequences." TK says. I roll my eyes "Guys, enough! Your testosterone is wafting through the diner." I snap. They both look at me and Peter smirks "Good point, Darling. Say, JD, you should probably get back to work, yeah?" Peter asks as I give him a glare. TK glares at Peter "It's TK." They snap before getting up and leaving "What was that?" I ask as Peter shrugs "If you're hungry, Darling, I'd be more than happy to get you food." He says sweetly "I'm going back to work. Tell me when you're done acting like an edgy 12 year old." I say before getting up "Darling, wait. Look, they needed to be kicked down a few notches. YN!" Peter calls out. I walk to the back and clock in "You're early." TK says "Shut up. What was that?" I ask "I was looking out for you. You don't know David that well." They say "It's Peter. And I understand that you want to help me get to know him more, but interrogating him wasn't helpful. What has gotten into you?" I ask. TK growls and slams their right hand to the bar "Maybe I like you, okay! Look, YN...I, I'm happy for you. But we've been best friends for so long. And, I just don't want to see it end over some creepy stranger. If he does anything to hurt you, I'll be there, and so will the police." They say. I stare at them oddly "TK...I think you are taking my love life a little too seriously. Besides, I don't really know if that's what we are anyway. I know he claims to be my boyfriend, but I told him that we should take things slow." I explain. TK's face starts to darken back to their regualar color and they sigh "Okay, I am sorry for assuming. Can I make it up to you? We can have pizza at my apartment sometime if you want to? I really am sorry for acting that way. That was immature." TK says sadly. I huff and hug them "I can't stay mad at you, buddy. Sure." I say as they hug me back. The rest of the shift goes slow but slightly better. Finally it's 9:30, and mostly everyone has left. TK flips the sign over the door and we start cleaning around the kitchen; being 10 by the time it was all over. TK put their black jacket on and looks back at me "You ready?" They ask as I nod "Of course I am." I say cheerfully before leaving the kitchen "It's always a pleasure workin' with ya, YN." They say as I smile "Well, I try, haha. I'll let you know a good time to go get some pizza. I look forward to it." I say. TK blushes and smiles "Me too. You have a good night." They say before turning around, only to turn back and look at me. "You should probably wake him up by the way." TK says, nodding to the left over at Peter; who looks sound asleep. I gasp "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll lock the doors for you. Goodnight." I say. TK exits the store and I walk over to Peter. His head is in his forearms and he's snoring lightly. I guess he must have fallen asleep sometime earlier. I snap a picture on my phone and tap his shoulder. "Peter. Peter, it's time to wake u-" Before I can finish Peter jerks up and looks around while panting. "Peter, it's okay. You fell asleep at the Diner." I say reassuringly. He now nods slowly and looks up at me "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pass out here." He says as I shake my head "Don't worry about it." I say, waving my right hand dismissively. Peter nods "Want me to walk you home, Darling?" He asks, grabbing my left hand gently whilst stretching. I smile and shake my head "I think you should get yourself home so you can get some sleep." I say with a giggle. He smiles warmly before moving in his seat and putting me between his legs "I don't need sleep now that I have you here." He says, suddenly he wraps his arms around me and shoves his face into my stomach. I blush darkly "Peter, let me go." I say "You smell so good, it's intoxicating~" He whispers before kissing my stomach. I shove him away; causing him to whine cutely. I give him a weird look as I see that he looks drunk "You like the smell of rotten milk and B.O.? Look, Peter, I'd really like to get home and take a shower. Can I go please?" I ask. Peter pulls me toward him "You're so sexy." He says breathlessly whilst massaging my hips. I smile awkwardly "What's gotten into you?" I ask. I pull away and he stands up; towering over me. I look up at him nervously as his face inches closer to mine. "Peter, can we go home?" I ask, staring up into his dominant stare. I blush darkly and look down when he takes his left hand and lifts my chin "You look like a scared rabbit." He says with a chuckle "Please..." I whisper. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip "You look so cute with a blush." He says before leaning forward. I find my strength and pull away "I need to close up. Let's go." I say. He nods and walks to me as I open the door, letting him out and then myself to shut and lock the door. "There we go. All good." I say. I look back and see Peter eyeing my body up and down. And I notice that the streets are pretty much empty, which is no surprise since this part of town usually dies down after 8. I turn around to face him. "You ready?" I ask as he wryly smiles at me in reply. In a quick movement he walks toward me and pins me to the window of the diner, my eyes widen as I look into his wild eyes. "Peter, I want to go home." I say as he smirks "You give your coworker all that attention. People need to know that you're mine, Darling." He says before moving to the right side of my neck, I feel his tongue softly glide against my skin as he pins my wrists above my head with his right hand and feels me up with his left "Not here, please." I say. I feel very uncomfortable with him feeling on my fat rolls. He now nips at my neck "Come on, Darling, don't act like you don't like it~" He whispers seductively. I bite my lower lip as he grips my wrists. "Seeing you outside, in my room, at the park. I know you've been wanting this for so long. Let me give you what you want~" He says. I find my strength once again; I shove him away and smack his face with my left hand. He stumbles back and looks at me in shock whilst holding his hand to his cheek "Wow, I'm sorry, but you need to stop sending me so many mixed signals. I really want you, why can't you see-" "If you're wanting me, at least do it right." I interject. He looks at me as I walk over, wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him. I can feel him freeze before awkwardly putting his hands on my waist and kissing back. I can feel his heart racing against mine before I pull away reluctantly. Peter looks at me with a deer in the headlights look; truly starstruck. I look down and bite my bottom lip nervously. "Well, Petey, we should probably get going..." I trail off awkwardly "I love when you call me that. Can we do that again?" He asks breathlessly. He leans forward and begins to kiss on my collarbone "Peter, I would really like to get going." "Okay, we can go to my apartment. Please, Darling, I want you so badly." He says as he leans up to look at me "No, if you don't take me home I won't kiss you." I say. He glares for a moment and sighs "Fiiiiine. If you insist." He says as he stands up and we walk. While walking he would not keep his hands off me! Literally! He was draped on me the whole walk, and would even walk while hugging me from behind; it was a wonder I didn't trip and we would have both wound up on the concrete. We finally got to my apartment and head to my door "Okay, finally." I say, feeling the immense weight of Peter's arms on my shoulders "You want me to come in? I don't think your roommate is here." He whispers before kissing the left side of my neck tenderly "I think you need to get home. Did you drink at some point today or something?" I ask as he hums in reply and moves away only to turn me around to face him "I haven't drank in over five years, Darling. All I do are cigarettes, and probably you." He says with a smirk "Wow, real smooth." I say sarcastically "Oh, Darling, you have no idea what you do to me." He says before pulling me into a rough kiss. I pull away and he brushes his left hand against my cheek. "You are so perfect. All this time I thought I was just seeing you in my dreams. All those times I'd sneak by and hear you moaning out my name..." He trails off and bites his bottom lip. My heart skips a beat "Not tonight, okay." I say "You know, I don't want you to be alone around TK anymore, alright? I don't like the way they stare at you." He says "TK doesn't like me like that." I say defensively making him chuckle "Darling, you're naive. Anybody would want you, but you're mine, and I'm selfish." He says before leaning to the left side of my neck. I hide my face into his shoulder as I feel him suck on my neck. I let out a soft moan before biting his shoulder to shut myself up...probably shouldn't have. He growls animalistically and pulls away slowly. "Harder." He whispers "What?" I ask softly as he moves his face closer to me "Bite me harder, and tell me what you want~" He says breathlessly "Peter, we're in the hallway..." I trail off timidly as he chuckles darkly "You're so innocent. I don't care where we are, I want to make you mine~" He says before looking into my eyes; his eyelids drooping slightly. He pulls me into another kiss; more passionately this time. I moan softly as I claw at his neck "Hey! Someone's here!" I jump and look to my left to see Lucy with a shocked look. "Holy crap! Where have you been? It's almost midnight and I was just about to call the police!" She exclaims. Peter pulls away awkwardly "I had to work a double today." I reply. She now glances at Peter "Yeah, you were sure working. I see someone's got a visitor." She says whilst glancing down. I follow her gaze and see Peter cross his legs awkwardly and clear his throat "Uh, I try to walk her home every night now. I was pretty much with her the whole day." He says "Whatever. Just, at least send me a text next time, okay? Goodnight, Parker." Lucy says. Peter gives her an odd look "It's Peter." He says "Peter, Parker, I don't care. Just take care of that problem because I'm certainly not hearing that tonight." She says. Peter opens his mouth "I should probably go to sleep. I'll be in there in a minute." I say, keeping the peace. Lucy nods and shuts the door. I look up at Peter and see him with his hands folded over his groin area "I need to see you tomorrow. Please, even for a little bit." He says desperately "We'll see, okay. I should probably get some sleep." I say as he nods "Okay, well, can I have one more kiss?" He asks. I shake my head nervously "No...I'm sorry, but you should head home since it's getting pretty late." I say. He nods and smirks "You're a tease, but I like playing games, Darling~" He says seductively before walking away; slightly adjusting his pants while doing so. I shrug and walk into the room to see Lucy eating a bowl of mashed potatoes at the kitchen counter "Well, I guess I can see what you see in him...or feel on him anyway." She says. I arch my brow "What do you mean?" I ask "YN, dude was hot and bothered. I don't know what you did to him but I don't think I've ever had a guy all over me like that before." She says with a laugh "Pfft, I'm sure he was probably thinking of something else. Like, porn or something." I say nonchalantly. Lucy giggles "Right. Are you kidding? He looked like he could eat you alive right there. Also, is that a hickey?" She asks. My eyes widen "No! It was a bruise at work!" I exclaim before rushing to my room "YN, I may be a hoe, but I ain't a stupid one!" She calls to me. I begin to cry in the darkness of my room and sigh. He doesn't want me like that, he's probably just wanting a new notch in his belt. I go to the bathroom and do some business.

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