Chapter 39: Where Are You?

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Implication of Runaway Minor, Stalking, Domestic Violence, Sibling Rivalry, Chloroform, Chemicals on Animal, and Animal Neglect.

16 hours and 2 minutes

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

I sat in the backseat of the car as the woman in front of me drove "You sure this is it?" She asked. She had brown, curly hair, pale skin with freckles, and hazel eyes "Yes...I'm sure." I replied. She then looked at me from the rearview mirror "Say, kid. I know it's not any of my business, but how old are you?" She asked. I glanced up at her nervously "Old enough." I said "Okay, look, you just need to be careful. There's creeps in this world, stranger danger and all that." She said. I nodded "I know...hey, we're here!" I exclaimed. The driver, named Wolfie for some reason, parallel parked and I hopped out. "Thanks for the ride." I said as she nodded "You're welcome. Just be careful out there. I will keep you in my prayers. Now if you excuse me, I need to listen to my tunes." She said before turning up her radio; I heard metal German music blast as she took off. I shrugged, what a weird woman, told me that she wanted to make a 'cameo' or something. Anyway, I walked into Keelson's and looked around. There were a lot of people in there. I took out the burner phone I bought with my allowance last month and called someone. As the phone rang, I looked down the aisles "Did you make it?" Sarah asked worriedly "I did. You said it was Keelson's, right?" I asked "I believe so. I'm just glad you're finally there. It's pretty nice in Hurricane, huh?" She asked "You kidding? This is neat! Also, I just had someone offer me a place to stay. Her name is LuLu." I said "I gotcha. Jeez, how big is that place?" She asked. I then looked to my left...Peter was putting away oatmeal boxes. He was wearing brown shoes, jeans, a black t-shirt, an orange vest, and a green baseball hat backwards. My eyes widened "Sarah...I found him." I whispered "Wow, not very big then. Now, just go up and talk to him." She said. I shook my head and felt my cheeks heat up "No way! He'd think I'm insane." I squeaked out "I'm just glad you found him. What is he doing there?" She asked. I blinked "Well, he seems to be a stocker...he also has 'YB' on his nametag." I said "Y, B...oh, it's his username, I believe it's 'Yo Boi' or something like that." Sarah said. I watched him put up more boxes until an older man came up to him, and I walked away.

I open my eyes to see bars...rusty bars shielding the LED light above me. I try to scoot out from the rust bars and realize that it's a bed frame. I crawl from my right side and struggle to stand up; feeling a pain in my back. I look around and notice that I'm in a wooden building, and I must be outside because I can see a sliver of light through some of the wooden walls. I arch my brow; remembering previous events. I sigh and hold my hands to my face "Hello?! Anyone there?!" I shout. I continue looking around the room. "Hello?! Peter?!" I shout. I huff and waddle to the door. I notice that on the metal door there's a slit up above, but it opens from the outside. Suddenly it opens, and a set of blue eyes stare down at me. I jump back and blink a few times. ", you scared me, heh." I say nervously "Good." Is all the deep voice says "What is it that you're wanting...? Please, I'm pregnant, I just want to le-" "I know that, Darling..." He replies. My eyes widen before tears burn my eyes "No...Peter?" I ask in horror. Through the slit I see him nod "You finally figured it out, huh? It's always been all about you, Yvonne. Of course, you getting knocked up wasn't exactly part of my plan, but it'll work itself out. But now, because you know I killed all those people thanks to that southern Jezebel, Tiana. I had to think of another strategy. Don't worry though, just because I killed all those women, doesn't mean you're next...if anything, you're gonna be with me." He explains, a sick smile in his voice. I begin to cry "Peter, Baby, don't do this! Look, we can just go home an-" "This is home until you learn to behave. I've been through so many efforts to get rid of that disease you're carrying, even attacked someone just to keep you off track. It's going to be alright, Darling, you'll get it eventually." He says before shutting the slit. I sob and bang on the door "Peter!! Please, let me go!! Where's Sarah?! Where is everyone?! Please!!" I shout whilst banging on the door and sobbing.

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