Chapter 3: Second Thoughts

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AN: I'm sorry for being late. I thought today was Thursday lmbo. Anyways, at the end of the chapter is a surprise! 😁

Implications of Self-Harm and Innuendo.

Saturday, September 19th, 2022

So, to recap. I went out on a date with a man named Peter; he's 6'5, 26, bald, and built thin. He's actually really cute, and quite a flirt, surprisingly. My name is YN, I'm 5'3, 22, and I have a chubby build. I'm definitely a different type of person, I've been through a lot in life, and it's messed me up. I'm not one of those "i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs" so don't even think about it...we'll just say that it's different in personality and hobbies. I've lived in Hurricane, Utah for about four years now, and it's been pretty okay, but things have been different since meeting Peter...almost scary. "I'm just afraid of change." I whisper to myself as I start the warm water for my shower. Thankfully I only have an 11-4 shift today, so hopefully the day won't get too hectic. As I wash the soap off my body I start hearing my cell phone blaring loudly. A phone call? Sighing, I shut off my water, grab a blue towel, and walk into my bedroom to slide the green call button. "Hello, I'm not interested in a special car warranty, nor do I have an extended car warranty as I don't even own a vehicular apparatus. Please take me off your list." I say "This isn't about a car warranty, haha. It's Peter." He says. My eyes widen "Oh, right! I forgot I gave you my number." I say with surprise "I still have the paper. So, what are you planning on doing today?" He asks. I squirm slightly "Erm, I don't know. I might hang with Lucy today." I say "Oh, alright. I was actually hoping we'd hang today. Go on another date again, y'know." He says "Oh, well, I get off at 4 today. So I don't-" "Great, I just have to post two videos and I'm done for today! We can meet at the park at 4:30! I can't wait!" He exclaims, cutting me off "Uh, yeah, sure, Petey. Whatever." I say awkwardly "Petey." He chuckles. "Sounds awesome. I'll see you later." He says before hanging up. I sigh and head into the kitchen; not seeing Lucy anywhere in sight. I sigh and look down at my phone "Had to leave for class early. Didn't know if you worked today." The text said "Thanks for nothing, I guess." I say to myself as I grab my apartment key and turn around to meet a guy with buzzcut hair, gray eyes, and in nothing but blue boxers; I scream. The man looks at me wide-eyed "Hey! Chill! I was just leaving!" He exclaims "Get out of my apartment!!" I shout "Sheesh, LuLu was right. You are a spinster." He says. I square up to him, and he backs away. "I'm going! I'm going!" He exclaims before running out the door. I roll my eyes and walk out and lock the door behind me. The walk to work was definitely quiet, and it gave me time to think...maybe this idea with Peter wasn't the best after all...I walk through the alleyway and can feel eyes behind me. I pause and turn around to see nothing there before heading to the Diner. I clock in and see TK look at me with shock "My, my, someone's finally on time!" They exclaim as I giggle "Oh, hush, you." I say playfully, punching their right shoulder. They blush lightly, causing me go arch my brow. The day isn't too busy, and it goes by pretty quickly. 4 comes, and I feel dread. Maybe I should have canceled with Peter? But he cut me off! I set my apron down on the counter as I get ready to clock out "Doing okay, YN?" I look to my right to see TK looking at me with concern "Yeah, I'm all good. Really." I reply. They give me an arched brow "Okay, well, if you need to talk about anything. Please, feel free to tell me. I promise to be there." They say as I nod "Thanks, TK." I say before leaving. I walked to the park and saw Peter; he was smoking a cigarette and waiting for me. I gulped and continued to walk away to the grocery store a few blocks down. Since I got paid today I figured I should buy some groceries since Lucy won't. I look at the produce and grab some strawberries and bell peppers...I probably should have made a list. I head down to TV dinners and look around; not really finding anything of interest. I sigh with frustration "You look tired, Darling." I jump and look to my right to see Peter. I let out a growl as he chuckles. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I decided to follow you here and surprise you." He says with a smile "Of course you did." I state. He followed me? He saw me at the park? How? I cross my arms. "Well, I guess since you're here I could use the extra arms." I say as he nods "It'll be my pleasure, Darling." He says. He walks over to the frozen pizzas "Just cheese. I hate anything else." I say as he nods. It sure feels weird, he follows me close behind like a puppy. We got mostly frozen stuff, so I'm now in a hurry. I head to the self checkout station and start putting my stuff to the scanner. I set my stuff into a bag and move over for him. As he sets his stuff in the bags I see him reach for a lighter. "What's that?" I ask "It's a lighter. I'm out." He says before looking back at me, and smiling. I stare at him confused, do I have something on my face? I look away awkwardly to my left and see the Halloween decorations on a flat "Wow, really speeding it, are we?" I think before looking up. Peter has the same smile but half-lidded eyes and a dark blush; still staring at me. I now glare. "Bro, you want a fight or something?" I ask as he smirks "I just love looking at you is all. Nothing wrong with eye candy." He says before turning around. I roll my eyes as I now hear change tap the metallic counter. I get beside him and see that he's paying! For everything! My eyes widen "Peter, stop! I was gonna pay." I snap "Well, now you're not. Besides, this is because I didn't get to pay for the first date." He says "Well, now I have to pay you back." I say as he shakes his head "You don't have to do anything, Darling." He says, looking down at me and smiling. I blush and look down as he grabs the bags and we leave the store. As we walk I keep my head low "You really didn't have to pay." I state as he sighs "You really don't like when someone's nice to you, huh?" He asks. My eyes widen "I-" "It's okay, Darling. I'm allowed to treat you as I please." He says before giving me a cocky grin. I glare and sigh. Who does he think he is? I enter into my apartment with Peter following behind. I walk into the kitchen and set my bags down on the stove "You can just set those on the counter if you need to." I say "Where does everything go?" I hear him ask as I shake my head "Don't worry about it. I've got it." I say irritably. I look down at the cereal box in my left hand, and look up at the tall cupboard. I bite my bottom lip and turn around to see Peter in front of me "I think I can reach this better than you." He says as he now opens the cupboard, grabs the box, and puts it away. I back into the stove as I realize that I'm pinned. He looks down at me and smiles "You always do this with your dates?" I ask as he shakes his head and lowers himself down to me "I only have eyes for you, Darling~" He says before leaning over and kissing my right cheek. My heart pounds as he pulls away and puts his hands to my face; squishing my cheeks gently. He gives me that look again "You're so beautiful, do you know that?" He asks before leaning into me "Whoa! Get a room!" I look to my left to see Lucy and shove Peter away from me "I didn't expect you to be home." I say "It was an early day. Only had two classes." She replies before looking Peter up and down. "Hi." She says awkwardly "Hi." He replies, moving away from me. She now smirks "So this is your reason for being late." She says "Lucy!" I bark out before facepalming. "Peter, meet Lucy. Lucy, this is Peter." "Her boyfriend." He replies a bit coldly. Lucy purses her lips and nods "Hmm, I see. I have to say, I'm impressed you managed to meet someone." She says as I growled "Lucy, please, do you mind? We were trying to have lunch together." I hiss as she nods "Ohhh, going out to eat for lunch. I see..." She coos. I huff before grabbing some frozen food and opening the freezer to stuff it in. "So, YN, how'd you manage to find this guy?" She asks "I asked her out on a date with me." He replies "Mm, you know, maybe you and I can have a little night out for once? Y'know, if you're not too tired after having him around." Lucy says as I glare down into the freezer; not giving her the satisfaction of seeing me seethe. "Say, Peter is it? YN is quite a prude. If you need, I'd be happy to, but I'll have ta charge ya." She says with a laugh. I bite my lower lip to the point of bleeding. That little slu-"No thanks, I'm monogamous to one person, and she is right in front of me." He says coldly. I look back to see Lucy looking utterly flabbergasted, and Peter staring at my butt. My eyes widen as I now stand up and shut the freezer "Okay, it's time for us to get going." I say. Peter blushes and looks down "Why? We were having so much fun." She says "No, you're trying to get another partner to "study" with. Don't you have a college guy to screw or something?" I snap and her eyes widen "Wow, really. It was a joke." She says "Yeah, right. You've gotta be getting some money elsewhere, aren't you?" I ask. She looks hurt for a second, but shakes her head and smirks coyly "Very well. I could lend you guys some condoms if needed. Don't wanna get pregonate, do we?" She asks "Lucy!" I bark. She laughs and walks to her room seductively; leaving Peter and me alone. Peter clears his throat "Uh...I am willing to do whatever you'd like." He says nervously "I can't do this." I say, walking past him. I hear Peter following me...all the way to the outside of the building. After walking to the other side of the street I suddenly feel Peter grab my right arm "Darling, what's the matter?" He asks "Let me go. I just can't do this, okay." I say "Did I do something wrong?" "Yes, you're grabbing me! And you felt the need to act like a perv." I snap. His eyes widen "Perv?! What are you talking about?" He asks "I saw the way you looked, and telling her you're monogamous. If that's the way you feel-" "Wait! You think I was...wanting her?" He asks before laughing "No! You're just-" "Darling, look at me. I am monogamous for you. I want you." He says, grabbing my forearms gently "You think I'm jealous or something? Peter, we're not a couple." I snap "Of course we are." He says "We barely went on two dates. There's just a lot going on, and I just don't think we're a great match." I say. He now glares at me "I think we are, Darling." He says "I'm not your Darling. Okay, just quit saying crap." I snap. He opens his mouth to speak but I jerk away from him. "Just leave me alone!" I exclaim coldly. I walk to the Diner and walk in. Where TK sees me and looks at me worryingly "YN, are you-" "Yes, TK! I'm fine!" I exclaim. They look at me shocked as I sigh. "I'm sorry, I just need to be left alone." I say "Okay, just get it together. I'm here if you need me." They say as I nod. I ate a chicken salad rather quickly and stormed out; probably because I'm too miffed to function. He doesn't want me, I know he doesn't, what he is after I am not sure of. As I head back to my apartment I look down at my phone to see that I have 45 missed calls from an unknown number "Peter." I think as I keep walking. I walk in and slam the door, and I notice that Lucy isn't here. "Oh, but she can be late." I say hatefully before heading into my room where I do some business. I get another ring on my phone. I see the unknown number again and I pick up this time "Who is this?" I ask "Darling, it's me. Look, I don't know what I did but I didn't mean to hurt you. Please, let me make it up to you." He says, his voice shaking and sounding he...? I shake my head "Peter, this is ridiculous. I'm sure you can find someone else whose into this." "I'm not into anyone else, YN, I want you! Please, I'm so sorry. Just talk to me. I swear I'll be better." He cries. I look down as I listen to him sobbing on the phone. I glare into the darkness "Crying isn't going to help anything, and you're pathetic at it. Just leave me alone." I say before hanging up. I now toss my phone at the wall "YN! What the heck?!" Lucy shouts. I lay down on my bed and stare into the darkness "Can't you see? You're never going to be up there. And that's fine. I've got my own life to live, whether you're in it or not." The male voice says as I close my eyes.

AN: There it is! Tried to post before midnight! So next Wednesday I will be 22 (hoo ra?) and it's also 3 1/2 weeks before Christmas, so I might be posting on Tuesday next week!! Speaking of, I made this video for a horrid Christmas movie. Here's my other accounts if you want to follow and sub to my YT channel to get to know more about me and what I do! Now please enjoy one of my most anticipated videos yet!

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