Chapter 7: Give Me Another Deal

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Birds Chirping. Rickets Cricking. Trees Breezes.

A Little Tree House In A Tiny Forest.

I remember how this place looks so quiet, and still, even now.

However, instead of Natsu I see in the bed, it was replaced by Gray.

He was injured pretty badly. I was able to observed his injuries, and it looks like he crack a bone at his back. There was a figure on that back, that shaped like a foot-mark. It was claimed that Yandere kick-threw him off to the window. Harsh.

"Ughh.." I may have woke up Gray. "..Lucy?" Gray said as he sat down properly in the bed and fix his eyes. "Where are we?" Gray added.

"Porlyusica's House." I replied calmly, as the atmosphere agrees with me. "You were brought here last night."

"Wait w-wha.. but Natsu--"

"Don't worry about that." I tried to make Gray calm this time. ", brought him down in the basement so no one could interrupt his beauty sleep."

"I see..." Gray then released a heavy sigh. "Wait, no. I don't still understand it yet."

"About what?"

"About what, my ass Lucy. You know what I'm talking about." He gave me an uneasy feeling. "Why did that pinkette skirt-wearer threw me in the window?"

".... I was about to tell you when you wake up." I bowed down as I regret in guilt. "Sorry. It's my fault."

"Well, might as well as forgive you if you give me the reason why."

"It was a misunderstanding, really. Yandere might have thought I... was... looking at you or something.."

"Looking at me?" Gray asked with his face confused. "Pfft. Why the red face?" And then teased me- ah!

"I-It's not a red face!!" I shouted at Gray as I fight the color in my cheeks. "He just thought.. there were something going on between us since I said I'm meeting up with you. That's all."

"Uhhh. Can you give me the reason why are you meeting up with me then?"

"Oh yeah!" My eyes gleamed a bit when I realize the whole point of why I wanted to meet Gray in the first place. "I was actually gonna ask you about this.."

I handed the Pocketnotebook to Gray, and let him read the words on it.

Melt Your Ice

For A Future Prize

Never Judge

This By It's Size

For You To Know

What It Has

"Lemme guess." Gray said as he finished reading. "You wanted me to know what this means since it started with melt your ice?"

"Y-Yeah." Pretty much, Gray said what I wanted.

"Hrm." Gray focused his eyes in the notebook. "This is a playword, actually."


"You gotta be kidding me." Gray shifted his sarcastic eyes onto me. "Your a smartass. You should know that."

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