Chapter 14: Missing Piece

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It was rather a closed but well-preserved structure, despite that this is just the underground. The spring is pretty much limited for its use, as expected from a elegant place. Though at least the water is working fine and good, and nobody is around­­-- we could enjoy rejuvenating ourselves while it last.

"Yoo Rushi-mushii!" Bakadere incompletely unmannered, undressed himself to get on with his trunks. He squints to look at me while he's at it, probably winking at me at the same time, or his eyes really just did opened then closed. The fact that I am a girl didn't seemed to cross his idiotic mind. I looked away from him before he could say something about it.

Shortly, he dashed, even though there wasn't any race against time, then in a second, it looks like he was gonna join dipping with me.

....That I was expecting though.

Instead, he somersaulted to a hot, igniting spring. The now-shallow waves scattered all over the pool, including splashing through my face.

"What's the matter with you?!" I barked annoyingly at him, negatively marveled on how absurd jumping on the pool was. He just responded with a wide boasty grin and a naughty look, and swiftly took his hands upward.

"Summon: Bubbles!!"

Several spherical transparent bubbles started to flash out from his hand. I did not perceive he would do that right now, doing magic I mean, but I crossed out violence in my mind to awknowledge the point that it was just pure bubbles for fun.

"Uhh.. a bubbles in a hot spring, eh?" I said with a half-surprised, half-awkward expression.


The reply carelessly made me giggle. I grasped that he was trying to make me cheer up by his tricks. Its working somehow, though my mind was telling me he was accomplishing himself up with his own created poppings. I can agree we were both enjoying what we have today.

But something didn't let me maintain those few seconds...

Alarmed perhaps, expecting that I felt it everytime I was with someone.

Maybe it was fear.
After all, ever since they have appeared, my life drastically changed, up to the point that I ask myself if I'm a kissing machine.

..or maybe, probably, or really, perhaps, it was all together happiness and sadness.

I totally forgotten this is not the right time to think things up.

Yep, Bakadere noticed I was in thought-- too much in thought.

I gave him a 'its nothing'  look, but even though I know he replied with 'okay'  look, his face did a 'I know your not'. So I went at the corner of the spring trying to enjoy more of the accomodating spring.

In that instance, all of the bubbles popped.

Bakadere swam in my location.

"You're not having fun?" He asked, disappointed that his magic did not progressed that would make me happy.

"No, no, I'm having fun, actually." I protested. I realized my voice looked like I lied; though all my words honestly spoken the truth.

Silence soon controlled the room. I wished those waves from before should have distracted us now. We stayed the athmosphere, though I can see he was unsure of what to do as Bakadere was hesitant to open his mouth.

But he did, anyway.

"Hey Luce?" Bakadere said, pausing a big time after. I studied his face once more, but this time he has something important to say-- "...How do you say goodbye to the person you can't live without? "

Despite that Bakadere was overall an idiot, he never left me expecting his unexpected. And like now, I wasn't expecting that. I should have gotten ready everytime he does those things.

"Eh? Um.. I.." My nerves killed my tounge, to the extent that I loss words to reply.

"Ah, Pardon me." Natsu said softly.  "It's just that.. It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."

"I know..." is all that I could say.

He closed his eyes tightly and let out a deep breath. "That included, it makes it sadder Luce." His tone changes as he spoke. It was distressing. I worsen everything now. "More sad especially when it eventually becomes a memory-- A memory of me that you could only have."


"Ahahaha..." He laughed bitterly, as if there's a hole pierced through his chest. He was waiting for a reply that could change between us, but in opposite of expectings he have done to me, I gave him the one he will have to expect. Nonetheless my mouth didn't give any.

"Sorry." He then apologized, giving all he can to portray his words crystal clear as possible, than falling waters. "Silly me, yeah?" Bakadere tried to smile, though as he tried to curve his lips upward, the pain also goes along. I wasn't trying to harm him, but he was emotionally hurt.
Bakadere looked at me once more and opened his lips. "Loving something doesn't give me the right to have it, after all."

"It's not like that!" I defended unconvincingly even though its helpless.

"Then what's like it!?" He ragingly stood up, with voice in the very edge of something we don't want to start. Of course he knows where this is going on, better than what I knew. "You hurt me more than I deserve. How can you be so cruel, Lucy?"

My eyes welled up instantly. It felt like someone kicked my stomach. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, or more like, I didn't want to believe in it.

Natsu slowly sat down, closer to me, while being muted for a moment before continuing. "I love  you more than you and he  deserve. Why was I even given to be a fool ?"

We shared glances, knowing there was nothing more but too painful to watch.

"Do you even have any idea how much I love you ever since we first met?"

"I have.." I replied with a heavy heart. I noticed I was giving short responses so I did what I have to do. "After all, you're...  important to me."

I saw him lit up, even just a tiny bit. " I also your priority?"

"W-What's the difference?" I repositioned my mouth the best that I can. "It's the same!" This is all I could think of.

"You're wrong." He said. "Importance and Priority are different. Yes, I'm important." His head turned away as he continued to speak. "...but I am never a priority."


I kept on saying Sorry. To myself.

It might not suffice for everything that had happened, nor if it's my fault, but I was really sorry.

..but I didn't have the courage to tell him that.

What is wrong with me this whole time?

"Lucy.. I wanted you to know you're my everything...

....But I'm just your nothing."

Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

"To all our dearest customers enjoying our Anniversary Giveaway, we all welcome you for a special contest coming up shortly. Since we don't want to waste all of our stock foods, we will be having an Eating Competition! So if you're interested on winning our mystery prize, join now!"

"HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Bakadere's shouting gave me an instant heart attack as if he was purposely trying to bring me to heaven. "HEAR THAT RUSHI-MUSHI?! EATING COMPETITION, THEY SAY!! LET'S GO JOIN NOW!!!"

The scene was almost too impossible to happen. Up above us, was a round speaker hanging from the ceiling. Looks like it was used for announcements... like few seconds ago.

He was there, being all jolly.
In fact, moments ago his heart was being torn into pieces.

I didn't know if he was trying to escape the situation or he was really like that.

A smile came to my face and let out a soft laugh.
Let's just get this along.
"You mean, a date right?"

Natsu and I looked at each other, thinking both of the same thing.

He placed his hand on top of my head and patted it gently.

"Of course, Sushi Lucyyyy."

"D-Don't make my name and food altogether!"


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