Ch. 14. No in-betweens.

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Getting out of the hotel room wasn't what I expected. Fans were taking pictures everywhere, and Harry had two securities escort us out. I heard my name being yelled over and over again, but it wasn't voices I knew; fans already know me? Oh fuck me and call me a bitch. Thank you South Park for that lovely quote. The security led us through the kitchen and out their door. Harry's hand was tied with mine the whole trip to the car, which wouldn't be such a trip if Leah didn't plan what she did.

"Don't stress it." Harry said as we got into the backseat of a car. It was a big car, I couldn't read what it was because he rushed in. "It happens most of the time."

"Someone gives out your room number and fans attack you?" I murmured.

I felt Harry's eyes on me and I was too focus at our fingers playing with each other to look up. But Harry wasn't taking it; he pulled his hand away which made me look at him, slick bastard. "Seriously, something’s wrong." He whispered.

I shook my head, "nothing’s wrong." I grabbed his hand again, "I'm not used to your lifestyle. It frightens me, but I'm not giving you up." I said staring his bright green confused colored eyes, "no matter what people tell me or what happens ... I'm not leaving."

"Why are you so scared? Do I make you scared? The fans?" Harry asked, I thought we finished this conversation at the hotel.  But then again I started it.

"I'm just scared of losing you to them." Harry's eyebrows raised confused and shocked. I shook my head, "I meant, I don't want them to not like me, and then majority wins." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Bella, if they want me happy, they'll accept the fact that you're what's make me happy." Harry said softly, his hand caressing my cheek; he leaned in pressing his lips on my forehead. "Please understand that." He whispered against my forehead, his lips were soft, causing goose bumps to grow on my arms.

I nodded, "where are we headed to now?" I ask as he laid his forehead on mine.

"It's a surprise." He whispered pressing his lips on my forehead and leaving it there for a while. I sighed leaning my head against his shoulder after he pulled away. My mind wandering onto so many question and thoughts, for one where were we going? Is this a date? Most likely to be a date, but why did he want me to bring a different dress? Was he taking me to some Hollywood party? Why do I always think celebrities go to fancy parties where they drink expensive champagne and talk and laugh about how much money they have? Jesus, I'm an idiot for thinking like this. But hell, maybe I should appreciate Harry more because sooner or later he'll be gone.

I hadn't realized I closed my eyes, opening them again I notice Harry looking down staring at me. Have you ever caught someone staring at you and wondered what they're thinking about? Like if it's something positive or negative? If it's a passing thought or a long internal string of things? If they're even thinking about you at all or you just happen to be in the line of sight while their minds drift off about something completely unrelated?

Well that's happening now; I just stared up at him as he stared back at me. His eyes didn't move from mine, and his lips didn't twitch, my chest tightened realizing how amazingly beautiful he is, every once in a while I'll just look at him and wonder why would he honestly pick me? There's a million and one girls on this planet earth to pick who have everything Harry could be searching for, and he has me to waste time to find his Mrs. Right.

"What are you thinking about?" His lips finally moved, I blinked back to reality.

I shook my head sitting up, "it's pretty easy to get lost... Err... Never mind." I said turning away, I felt my cheeks flush red; I looked out the window seeing large building pass us.

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