Ch. 23. "Everything has been a lie."

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Two weeks pass by quickly when you're having so much fun with the person you love. Yeah, that was really cheesy, but it's the best way I could explain it. Los Angles was fun, a lot of memorizes there and some that I'm sure I won't ever forget. Chicago was fun too, a bit windier than I thought it would be but it was great sightseeing. Texas was as hot as everyone says it is, it's humid and hot but so freaking beautiful; I'll love to visit Texas more. But now we're in the city that never sleeps, New York City. It's nice here; sweater weather but the sun is out and there's a nice breeze that passes every couple of seconds. Harry said he knows a good spot in Central Park that's impossible to find and not a lot of people go there. So me being me I had to believe in Harry, but that was stupid because when we were heading there we got lost in Central Park. So we're wondering around this giant place just trying to find an exit of the park. But luckily we found an exit; I had to tell Harry to use his GSP to get us out and we made an exit.

That's when I got a call saying Nes and Leah were at the hotel waiting for me. That's when everything inside of me dropped; I only wanted Nes to make her way over not Leah. I just wanted to show my friend a good time because I know all spring break she's been working her ass off at her new job and at school. But I told her near the end of my stay I'll bring her down to New York because I knew she always wanted to come here. But why did Leah tag along? Harry asked if I was okay and I told him everything was going great, but I still felt a bit awkward knowing that Leah was the one who saw Harry first, she was the one who was with Harry before me and she did more stuff with him than I probably did. But they aren't together, and it's about me and Harry. Harry and I. That's all it needs to be.

Waiting for the elevator was adorable, because Harry was all pouty lips and wide puppy dog eyes and he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck and told me he was sorry that he couldn't find the spot and he got us lost. I laughed and told him it was fine, "I was with you, and we got outside for a while. Fresh air and you is all I need." I said kissing Harry's forehead before we'd gotten into the elevator. I did hit Harry a couple of times telling him how much of an idiot he was for getting us lost, but in the end we did have a fun day and that's all I needed, just a day out with him so we could just have stupid laughs and witness stuff we'd never thought, like a lady falling down the stairs because she was trying to take a picture of her family. We tried not to laugh but when we walked away I ended up bursting into laughter. Or sitting on the grass and having Harry admit stuff to me I'd never thought he'd admit.

"You know the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, yeah?" Harry asked, I laid my head on his chest while we just lay on the grass and listened to the sound of the city around of. I nodded while Harry's hair softly brushed my hair, "I feel like that song just explains everything sometimes. Like, I don't want the world to see me because I know they won't understand, but when everything else seems broken, I just want you to know who I am. Media always makes me seem like such a ... womanizer, they make me seem like I'm always out on dates with all these different girls and they make up the stupidest rumors saying I was on dates with people I've never met and I was Villain of the Year. I don't know."

I just nodded my head, "even if everything gets rough Harry. I just want you to remember who i was, i want you to remember everything that's always happened, the cute little dates you took me on, the laughs we'd have, playing childhood games until the sun raised and we'll watch it then go to sleep." Harry and I smiled softly, "I just want you to know who I am and I want you to know that I'm still that same person. No one has ever seen me like that before, not even Nes. Just make sure you don't forget that."

And then he kissed me softly before we entered the elevator. I just wrapped my arms around Harry's long torso from behind and leaned my head on head on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around Harry tight, not wanting to let him go or even make him breathe; Harry was like a teddy bear to me, he wasn't as thin as he looked, but he wasn't big either. I thought he was honestly the perfect size, with his tiny little tummy that he has that I'll blow raspberries on and he'll tell me to stop or try to do it back to me. I left my lips on Harry's neck and did a small raspberry; I could imagine Harry's eyes wide open. He turned around with the exactly expression I knew he'll have, "stop." He mouthed to me before I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, "I love you." He murmured before he dragged the both of us out of the elevator. But I kept my arms wrapped around his torso and once we got to our hotel door Harry pinned me with his hips against the wall and his mouth began to kiss my neck, "why do your friends have to be here?" He question in between kisses, "I just want you to myself." He murmured before pecking my lips.

I couldn't help but laugh, and wrap my arms around his neck and having him lean his forehead against mine, "I know, but it's only for tonight. I'm yours for tonight." I pecked his lips before Harry tilted his head bringing more into the kiss and taking the air out of my lungs. He pulled away and rubbed our noses together before he kissed it and slid his fingers in between mine and dragged me inside of the hotel room.

It was odd having Harry and Leah in the same room knowing what happened. It was like watching a dog walk on it's back legs; wasn't something you see everyday. But somehow we all got along well, Nes and I gave each other a giant hug and she lifted meup and spun me around before I did it to her and then I hugged Leah tightly. Harry politely kissed their cheeks and gave them a friendly hug; I could tell Harry wasn't too confortable because he didn't really say anything while Nes and I were catching up; I still haven't told Nes that Harry and I did what we did. I don't enjoy telling big news over the internet, I prefer face to face to see peoples real reactions and all that. So I told Nes that I needed to tell her something outside, so we stood up and I told Harry and Leah we'll be back because I didn't really want to say it in front of everyone. So Nes and I stood in front of the hotel door with it closed and she had a worried look on her face, "what's going on?"

I didn't have a proper way of actually saying it and I remember when I first came to Homles Chapel, Nes was my first friend, and she showed me a show called Doctor Who,she told me to watch the fifth and sixth season and then work backwards. So that's what I did, Matt Smith was an amazing Doctor and I fell in love with him. "Remember episode one, season five of Doctor Who ... When we would tell one another, 'Prisoner Zero has escaped.'" That was Nes' way of telling one another that the other has had sex. The look from her face was everything I thought it would be; her mouth slowly dropped open and her eyes widened while she pointed at me. I bit my bottom lip trying not to laugh or have any weird, non-human noise come out of my mouth.

"Oh my god." Nes breathed, she fanned herself with her hands, "you've done it - with that?!" She began shaking her head, "OH MY GOD!"

"Nes, please use words." I said grabbing her shoulders and shaking her, "please, don't tell Leah." I almost plead, then I realized I had to explain everything to Nes, the fact that Leah wanted me to break Harry's heart because he broke up with her.

Then the smile on Nes' face dropped, "don't go inside then." Nes said in a whisper.

But I knew exactly what she's talking about, so I quickly turned around and I knew I was too late because Harry was holding Leah's phone and his mouth was slightly opened and his face read betrail and I felt everything inside of me exploding. I didn't want to be me anymore, I wanted to transform into someone else, someone with an easier life but still a Harry Styles because even though I know he's going to hate me and never forgive me, he's still an amazing guy and I still love every small pece of him even if he hates every part of me. His bright green eyes met with mine and he shook his head; I couldn't do anything, I just bit my bottom lip and looked down while playing with my fingers. "So I was just a game to you." Harry said in a harsh whisper, "It was all just a game to you, all of it, you never loved me-"

"Harry-" Nes tried to interrupt but Harry cut her off.

"No, you never loved me, it was just ... Nothing to you, it was for your friends and to make a fool out of the both of us. It was a joke, it was a game just to break my heart and walk away like nothing had happen. Like we didn't -" Harry stopped speaking and he clenched his jaw. His eyes were dark and filled with rage and hate and I knew what he was going to say, but I wondered why he kept it back. He just looked at me and ran his fingers through his hair and began pacing around the room.

Leah had a evil smirk on her face, and I could tell Nes was standing awkwardly behind me not knowing exactly what to say or what to do. I didn't know what to say or what to do, but I just wanted to tell him he was wrong, so I tried, "i-it wasn't like that." I said, my voice cracking, I didn't realized how closed my throat was until I started speaking. I didn't realize how I had tears in my eyes until I realized I might lose Harry. Harry scoffed, "at first it was like that because I thought you were what everyone makes you to be; a player and a douche bag, so I thought why not stop him? But somewhere in there Harry, I did fall in love with you."

"That's bullshit, Bella and you know that." Harry spat, his words were like venom entering my ears. I've never heard Harry speaking to me like this, andit killed me inside knowiing he wouldn't hear me out. "All of this has been a lie,just like us. Everything's been fake, and you were never who you were." And that was the last thing he said before he walked out, and for some reason I couldn't see myself running after him.

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