Chapter 12

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Britain POV

Poland slowly opened the metal door, trying to make it squeak as little as possible. Once it was open everyone pulled their guns out and ready. "I have to admit, I am quite nervous." I whispered to my wife next to me. "Agreed but we have to do this," we slowly walked inside...

...Once everyone was inside...

We found a relatively quiet area and radioed in, "Alright we are in." America Whispered. *bzz* "Alright, does everyone know what to do?"
Un asked, United States looked around everyone had nodded their heads showing they know what to do. "Yes we all know."
*bzzz* "good, go when you are ready,"
"Over and out."
Soviet POV

"Alright, everyone ready?" I nodded along with everyone else. "So, me Poland, Britain and France, and Soviet do you want to go alone or.?" America started. "I would rather yes." I finished, "alright we all have a radio so contact if anything happens" Poland chimed in. Slowly Britain and France walked out of the room, and a minute later I followed behind. United, and Poland following in the same pattern, I slightly opened my machete case in my left leg, being my dominant side. Just in case I ever needed it. But my gun rested in my hands fully loaded.
I was nervous no lie, but this is a new high. The dark hall only being illuminated by my flashlight.

I froze when I heard the slight sound of footsteps, slowly getting closer to my position.
Third Reich POV
Walking down the long dark hallway I was thinking when to invade Britain. Of course I am attacking his country already I just have to figure out how to get him to surrender. I suddenly stopped against my will, 'I swear I thought I heard something' I thought, "who's there!?" I yelled. It was silent where I stood I pulled out my pocket knife, "Third?" I recognized the voice. "Oh, it was just you Italy.." My ally walked towards me ending up next to me. "You doing okay?" He asked, "yeah.. just thought I heard something, must have been a mouse." He slowly nodded.

"You ready to head into the meeting room?" Italy asked me, "yeah let's go." I followed him to the room...
Soviet POV
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It took a lot of strength to not run up and stab him in the head. Somehow I held myself back. At least I know where they will be at.
I pulled my radio at, but before I turned it on I moved to a empty area, "guys" I said
"Soviet? Are you okay!?" "Yes I'm okay Britain, but I heard something about the axis being in a meeting room so be careful what room you enter." *bzz* "alright thanks Soviet" America thanked. I turned off the radio, and started to move again.

But did he know he was about to go?
Word count: 498
Alright there's chapter 12 hope you like it
So we are heading to the good stuff and finally got a third POV. But those will be often in the following chapters
Have a good day or night

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