Chapter 38

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Felix Müller POV
I jiggled the bottle in my pocket as I looked around the military base for Imperials office, I guessed that her office was near the officer area and searched there first.
'Here it is!' I looked at the door and there in gold lettering was the name, "Imperial Japan, Office." I silently celebrated since talking was going on the other side of the door. I then scurried back to the hall, quickly but quietly.
'Step two completed, find Je's office.' step three had to wait until the moment of truth, but in the meantime, I was on a roll. But I could tell Soviet and let him know what I found.
Later that day...
11:30 P.M.
Soviet POV
Throughout the day, my side was killing me, probably because of the lack of food, and sleep. But also the beatings that I get on the regular. And by the bruises throughout my body that was probably the main reason. I groaned quietly and looked out the small barred window, the moon was the only thing I found comforting when I was alone. And there it shown brightly in the night sky. My anxiety went down slightly as I let a sigh of relief escape me. The pain went away for just a moment. But a slight knock makes its presence known, however, I immediately knew who it was. It was Felix as he was using our signal. I reached over the best I could and knocked back on the door signaling I heard. "Ich habe Infos." "I have info." He slid a small piece of paper under the door and I grabbed it.
It was written in German but I was able to read it.
"Ich konnte sowohl die medizinische Abteilung als auch die Büros von Japan und den anderen Offizieren finden."
"i was able to find both the medical ward and the offices of Japan and the other officers."
I smiled slightly, he was doing his part of the plan, and I was doing mine. A pen slid under as well so I wrote what I needed,
"Gut, ich konnte den perfekten Zeitpunkt finden, um mich auszubrechen. Um 12:30 Uhr

"Good, I was able to find the perfect time for you to break me out. At 12:30 A.M
when the guard changes ."
I slid both the pen and the paper underneath the door then moved back to the corner, wincing slightly as my back touched the wall, that was covered in my own blood. Now I watch outside, the outside security contains a tower that held a spotlight and a guard or two. Then three soldiers patrolling around the tower, the blind spot was about two-thousand meters (about 6561 feet.) from said tower, just out of reach of the spotlight.

————-A couple days earlier Third person POV ————He slowly stood up from the concrete floor to walk to the window, he needed to figure out a place to escape from, he looked around the walled base, hoping to find a place of escape

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A couple days earlier
Third person POV
He slowly stood up from the concrete floor to walk to the window, he needed to figure out a place to escape from, he looked around the walled base, hoping to find a place of escape. He noticed a few towers, with spotlights on each one, there was a tower on each corner that he could see. 'Is there a blind spot?' He thought. He then waited till nightfall to see if he was right, and right he was. The spotlight only reached about 6561 feet ( 2000 meters)  the other towers light reached about the same. He knew. That was where they would be able to break out.
Finally another chapter for you guys. I really hope you enjoyed it, also let me know if you can actually see the picture I put in I don't know if it worked 🤷‍♀️
I apologize for the wait and I hope to post more chapters on this book and my other one.
Have a good day or night 😊
Word count: 644

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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