Chapter 29

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!!warning VIOLENCE!!
!Mentions of blood!

Third person POV
The next couple of days went by the same, Soviet would be brought into a room with Reich, Imperial Japan, and sometimes Fascist Italy. They, (mostly Reich) would interrogate Soviet, and beat him if he didn't answer.
The harm to the red country was mostly done by Imperial, and Third Reich, Italy mostly stood away and covering his ears.
Italy POV
I was currently in a room with Imperial, and Reich, while they were interrogating the Soviet Union. While they were doing that, I was standing in the far corner with my eyes shut and ears covered, I didn't want to get involved while he was being tortured that just wasn't my way.
"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" Reich screamed, he snapped the whip onto Soviets shoulder, "I'll say it again.." "WHAT ARE THEY PLANNING!?" Again, the tall country didn't answer, Reich was pissed, as he drew the whip back and repeatedly hit him. Until he stopped to look at his watch. "Italy!" I snapped my head up before placing my hands to my sides, "yes?" "Continue interrogating him while imperial and I handle something." I nodded before the two left, it was silent for a minute, "well, aren't you going to do anything?" I jumped slightly at the sudden comment, "no, I don't enjoy doing that stuff.." Soviet looked a little shocked.
"Really?!" I nodded again, "here." I whispered as I unlocked the chains to his hands, he dropped down to the floor, before rubbing his wrists, "thanks.." I didn't say anything as I pulled up a chair.
Soviet POV
I was currently sitting on the ground confused as the country named 'Italy' which was a main axis member, was being sorta kind to me. He didn't say anything as guards came in to take me back to my cell, "Before you go Soviet, Imperial and Third will both be at your cell later tonight so be ready!"
I nodded my head, thanking him silently.
Time skip
I was sitting alone in my cell, yesterday, they made it so no guards were allowed to come into my cell, unless needed. They had to stay outside. Which means, no Felix to keep me company. I was there alone for hours until a squeaking caught my attention, a black military boot made its way into the room with me. "Hello dear Soviet~"
I growled at Reich, he chuckled in response. "I'm just here for another torture session, to make it clear as to who is in control." He brought out a knife, dragging it purposely across my skin leading it to my face, Reich suddenly stopped picked up the knife to see the damage he had did, a small steam of blood was left were the knife dragged across.
Third person POV
Reich wasn't satisfied with just the knife so he stabbed the other in the for arm, then tugging it out. Quickly kicking him in the stomach, right after repeating the kicking for several minutes before noticing small bits of blood came out of Soviets mouth. Reich walked away for a moment before coming back in with the same whip from earlier.

"This is gonna be fun!~"
It is starting to get interesting now but don't fear the end isn't near yet. Also be sure to tell if you see any mistakes.
Have a good day or night
Word count: 570

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