chapter 2

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Taehyung pov

It's been 2 week my Junie baby has made some new friends he is look very happy now days ......i just wanted him to be happy like this forever i can do anything for him ...........

"" Junie baby kookie come let's have dinner "" i call for them .......

"" Yesss coming "" both of them shout out loud.......

"" Dad what we have in dinner today "" yeonjun ask while jumping.....i giggle at his childness.......

"" Come and sitt you little bunny 🐰"" i said and junkook also come down stairs......

"" Look big bunny is also has come "' i said and giggles while junkook was pouting.......i kiss his pout and he sit on the chair

After sometimes.......

Junkook looked at me i understand what he was going to say i really don't want tooo but it's important......

"" Junie baby i have something to say "" junkook said yeonjun look at his with a soft smile......

"" What is it appa ??"" Yeonjun ask .....

"" Yeonjun we have a important meeting tomorrow and we have to leave you alone but we will come back at night soo Don't worry okk "" junkook said. ......

"" Okk dadd "" yeonjun said with a forced smile .......

I go and huggg my Junie baby i know he hates being alone but it was important mafia meeting......,...

""Don't worry baby we will be back at night okk and you can call us anytime and Andy will also here soo you will not be alone "" i said will huggg him .....

They all eat the dinner and go to sleep.....

Yeonjun pov.......(( In his bedroom))....

What is tomorrow everyone is leaving me alone tomorrow....

Beomgyu, taehyun , Kai and soobin also have something important to do tomorrow soo they are not coming to school.....

I am a little bit scared that tomorrow no one will be there for me like mark didn't bully for 2 week and i don't know whyyy i means he always says that he loves to bully Mee .......

I feel like strassed and dieing sooo i goo too the bathroom and without thinking about anything i put ot a box and take my blade out .......

I feelll pain in my upper thighs and I look at it i already have cut on my thighs and it was bleeding hard i panic a little and put the banged on it and it was looking okk and fine and got out of the bathroom and fall a sleep........

Next day

""Wakee upp junieee "" taehyung said softly

""Hmmm 5min moree dadda"". Yeonjun said

" Okkk we just want to tell you that we are going for the meeting if you have any problem just call us anytime okk we will be back in night okk "" taehyung said while placing a soft kiss on yeonjun forehead...

""Hmm okk have a safe trip"" yeonjun said in sad tone ......

Taehyung and junkook leave for the meeting and after sometime yeonjun also left for the college but he didn't eat his breakfast which taehyung make ........

Soobin's POV

We all were waiting for this meeting from a long time this meeting will be with BTS .....they are really powerful gang ..,........

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