chapter 10

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Jackson pov

How dare those bastard touch my baby I will make them pay for it Jackson thought...

"," Kai said unconsciously he start crying Jackson panicked a little and hug Kai ..

" No one going to hurt baby i am here ," Jackson said in soft tone which calm Kai and he slowly opens his eyes and see that he was in Jackson's arm and start crying more ....

" No baby stop crying i am here and no one can hurt you anymore," Jackson said while hugging and rubbing Kai's back ..after sometimes Kai calm down ..

After sometimes the car stopped at Got7 mansion and Jackson pick up the peacefully sleeping Kai and go to the door his driver press the doorbell ....


The door open and yeonjun and bambam was standing in front of them ...

" Omg is he all right.," Yeonjun asked while looking at kai's eyes which was red because of crying...

" He is sleeping i will take him in my room ," Jackson said and yeonjun and bambam nodes , he take Kai to his room and lay kai down on his bed.....

" I will make some soup he must be hungry when will wake ," bambam said and left the room

Jackson sit down on the bed and care Kai hairs when yeonjun said...

" I think we should tell this to everyone they must be worried about him ," yeonjun said....

" Yes, you are right Junie i will call taehyun and tell them to come here ." Jackson said and left the room to call taehyun...

On the other side

" Guys sometime guards has find Kai's phone.," Beomgyu said and give the phone to Soobin .....

" That means he has been kidnapped from here but now where is he ," soobin said while looking at the phone...

" I am really worried now whe__," taehyun was cut by the call coming on his phone everyone look at him ...

" It's Jackson ," taehyun said ...

" But why is he calling now did exo also attack on yeonjun," beomgyu said ..

" Pick up the call and put it on speaker," junkook said ..

" Hello," Jackson said..

" What happened Jackson why did you call me ," taehyun asked ...

" Actually kai is with me at my house so I have send the so you all come to my home i will explain everything," Jackson said and cut the phone....

" Wait that's means Kai is save ," jimin said and taehyun nodes

" That great but why he is at Jackson's home," soobin said

" We should go to Jackson's home fast now ," jin said and everyone nodded and go towards the car and left for Got7 mansion...

After sometimes....

BTS and TXT was in front of abandoned forest where no one was allowed to go inside they all work confused by Jackson has call them here ...... The all world thinking and then suddenly a man knock at their window ....


Jungkook open the window and everyone else were ready with their guns if there was any danger but the man speak ......

" You all have to go inside the mansion it's in the right side...master is waiting for you all ," the man said and left them ...

" Is Jackson is from some rich family?" Taehyung asked .....

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