chapter 7

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Yeonjun pov

I am alone in home today, dad and appa is in a meeting and same goes to Soobin and everyone everyone is busy today......

Yeonjun sign but he hear a knock from his door he walk an opened a door he is saw a known man standing in front of him with black mask on his face he get scared he try to run away but that put some cloth on his mouth and he faint.............

In the meeting room........

Soobin POV...

I don't know what's going on but I am having a bad feeling just forget about it just concentrate on the meeting right now ........

"" Isn't it weird that exo suddenly stop killing our gang members and people isn't it weird "" namjoon said.....

"" That right "" taehyun said ...

"" I think we are planning something else we have to find it out as soon as possible "" yoongi said and everyone nodded.......

** Ring** ring ** ....,.

Then suddenly the landline of office start ringng jungkook pick up the call......

And suddenly he dropped the phone down everyone was looking at him he was looking scared everyone was shocked because the never saw jungkook scared ..........

"" How happened kook "" taehyung asked in worried tone.......

"" They have yeonjun "" jungkook said that makes everyone shocked because no one knows that jungkook is jk ......

"" Let me find him "" soobin said ........

"" How can you find him ??"" Namjoon asked ........

"" The ring i gave him has a tracking in it "" soobin said now everyone was relieved that they can find him soon.......

"" I find them they are in the hospital of hope "" soobin said ........

"" Why there??"" Beomgyu said.....

"" Because that the place no one will suspect on "" taehyun said.....

Everyone go to the location and go up at the third floor because there was that was the place where they have kidnapped yeonjun........

The lift got open day saw the bodyguards they start killing them and everywhere was blood then suddenly they saw yeonjun was scared and crying....

yeonjun saw all the person he loves covered with blood having gun in their hands he was scared from them now.........

Yeonjun POV

Dad I saw him he was covered with blood I thought that he was hurt but he is not he is having a gun in his hand And not just him but appa and uncle toooo.............nooo ......

"""" Yeonjun said and the man who was holding him smile and said .....

"" They are mafia's and why boyfriend and friends are mafia tooo "" the man said and then he got shot .......

Yeonjun look up and see the person who kill the man was SOOBIN .......that was the last thing he saw and then he faint......


Soobin pov ......

I saw yeonjun a man was holding him and he was saying something to him I shoot the man ........

Yeonjun look at me the thing I really don't want to see I see in his eyes before he faint....... that was FEAR .......

"" OMG what happened to him...."" Taekook asked in worried tone......

"" Nothing he is just traumatize "" jin said everyone was looking worried about yeonjun...... because they have hide this secret from him ..........

Everyone take yeonjun to Jeon home.....and put yeonjun to his room and in the living room......

"" What we are going to say now "" jimin said Everyone was intention .......

"....let's tell him the truth because if we are going to hide this from him again what if he find out by himself and he will be more hurt by this ............."" Beomgyu said .......and everyone nodded...

But taekook and soobin was scared to lost yeonjun......

They all were sitting and then they here allowed scream from yeonjun room ...... They all rush towards his room and open the door they saw him crying ........

"" Honey "" taekook go and hug yeonjun....

"" Whyyyy "" Yeonjun shout .... everyone was shock they never see yeonjun like this .......

"" Do you all thing that I don't deserve to know the truth and you all doesn't even tell me about anything you all don't love me all don't care for me stay away from me "" yeonjun said while trembling and crying............

"" Yeonjun calm down we all will tell you the truth "" taekook said .....

"" Nooooo i don't want to know the truth and you all just stay away from me.....and go out of this room "" yeonjun said in angry tone.......

"" Okk let's leave him alone for sometimes "" jin said and everyone look at him and nod and leave the room......

In the living room.......

Everyone came out of yeonjun room and settle down in the living room.....

"Why do you told us to come out of his room we could console him"" namjoon said......

" No we couldn't because he is traumatize and if we force him to remember his memories again he will be more traumatize and get more scared from us"" jin said and everyone sign ......

Everybody decide to leave and talk to you Yeonjun in the morning ........

In the morning.......

Taehyung.....Go to yeonjun room and open the door but the room was empty he check the bathroom everything was empty he was nowhere ....,.,........

taehyung was panic and call for everyone and tell them what's going on and yeonjun was missing..............

...............TO BE CONTINUED 💜💜.........


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