chapter 8

405 8 0

Yeonjun POV

I am really angry on them how could the just lie to me they all know I hate violence but still it's not like I hate them I just don't feel good right now and I don't want to face them what should I do wait wait I have idea I can stay at Jackson's home for sometimes that's a great idea let's call him ............i thought

On the call

"Hi Jackie" yeonjun said

" Hi juniee what happened why are you called me at soo late "" Jackson asked.....

" I have a request I want to ask you can I stay at your home for some days " yeonjun asked hesitately ........

"" Of course you can bro but what happened "" Jackson asked.....

" I have a fight with my parents that I don't want to stay at soobins house also no one knows about your house so it is good that no one will find me"" yeonjun said......

"" Oh I understand it's alright so you are coming right now or in the morning I can pick you up from your home "" Jackson said...........

"" No I am coming in morning you come pick me up at 5:00 a.m. okay "" yeonjun said......

" Okkkkkkk "" Jackson said in excitement.......

I am glad that I have friend like Jackson he is really good he doesn't even ask me I really want to tell him why are actually fight with my parents I know he will understand me okay let's sleep for now I have to wake up early in the morning...............

In the morning

It's 5:00 a.m......

""Jackson I am here....."" Yeonjun said loudly.......

""" Bro what you are doing in the bushes you know you can get hurt""" Jackson said in concerning tone.....

"" I am all right Jackson now let's go fast before my parents bodyguard see uss "" yeonjun said with smile.......

In the Jeon mansion......

Everyone come after finding out that yeonjun was missing now everyone is very worried and trying to find him but it is quite hard because he was wearing the ring but it cannot be trapped everyone was confused because it can only happen when the ring is an area which is unattractable that means he is in some kind of Mafia gang house this things scared everyone more.............

"" How can not even guard find out about it is not like someone get inside the house and take him away nothing is taken or broken"" junkook said in irritated tone......

"" Exactly it is not like that wait a minute they are some clothes which are missing..did he go out by himself""""" taehyung said while looking inside the  close it......

Everyone was confused and worried until a sound of a notification make everyone look at the person who get the notification........

"" Soobin you are having a notification check it fast """ jimin....said

Soobin look  the notification and sign in relief his face was relieved he look that everyone has said........

"" Yeonjun is save "" soobin said and everyone nodded in relief.......

"" But where the hell he is "" beomgyu said......

"" Jackson 's house """" Soobin said.......

"" Who is Jackson by the way can we trust him""" namjoon said......

"" He is our college friend he is only sweet and nice we can trust him he would not do anything and he is the one who send me the message it is written in the message that yeonjun doesn't want to talk to any of us  right now and he also said that too Jackson that he should not tell anyone about him being at his home....""" Soobin said........

Taekook was feeling bad about this they were missing their son it is hard for them two stay away from him but what they can do they lie to him that's the true they both were thinking.,..........

"" Hey guys by the way where Kai ??"" Soobin asked........

"" He was gone for some gang work but he doesn't come back since last night it is really always come back at night time he don't like darkness I don't know I was quite worried about it as well I was going to call you but you call me and tell that yeonjun was missing by the way let me call him first """"" taehyun said and call Kai.....but he doesn't pick up.....

Now everyone was worried about Kai... he didn't came home from last night it is normal for Mafia that they don't come at night and work late but that was not the case kai hate doing night works that's why they never give him any kind of that it is weird for them.........

"" Wait a minute guys but I didn't give me many kind of night work so who gave him the night work "" soobin said......

"" It was mr Lee "" beomgyu said.....

"" Let's find Mr lee ask what's going on and where is Kai "" yoongi said....

Namjin was worried for the youngest son they know he behave cold but he is really sensitive.......they were thinking.... They  thought were  break by a call.....

Taehyun pick up the call and look at them in shock..... He was looking scared and worried..........

"" What happened taehyun "" jin asked... looking his son scared.......

"" Dadd Mr lee works for EXO "" taehyun said everyone's eyes go to wider........

There was silence in the room the silence was break by yoongi......

"" Let's find him  fast as we can"" yoongi said making everyone back to the reality everyone nodded and start finding Kai..........

.................TO BE CONTINUED 💜💜.......




  Loveeeee fanboys my brother is tooo🤌🤌🤌💜💜💜💜💜💜🙌🙌🙌🌚🌚🌚🌚

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