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Right, left, knee-I'm sorry, was that teeth? Ferro ducked and dodged across the training mats, pursued relentlessly by the latest insane addition the Legion had made while he'd been technically dead.

Ferro spun and attempted to sweep Not-Supe's leg, only to skitter away as they used the chance to try and stomp his ankle with their heavy combat boots.

"Dude! Stop trying to kill me! Sparring's just for fun!"

"Mercy is a boon Imperiex won't give you!" Kell snarled, swiping again for Ferro's already bruised cheek. The pale-haired hero backpedaled with a groan, seriously considering stepping out of bounds just to get out of this. But Superman had begged for four minutes of distraction, and Ferro had always been a pushover. So here he dodged, vaulting over top of the feral clone in a move that'd hopefully unbalance them a bit. He did not, however, account for their speed, and gloved fingers closed tightly around his wrists.

The ground beneath the mat cracked as Kell slammed Ferro into it, back-first and only saved from major injury due to a lightning-quick metal shift. Didn't stop him from being winded though, gasping like a fish out of water while Kell stalked around to shove their knee into his chest.

"Having fun yet?" They snarled, whole weight shifting onto their shin as Kell leaned into Ferro's space. Too-hot breath puffed in his face, and those cold green eyes felt like they could freeze-brand his soul if they tried.

He found as he swallowed that their knee had slid to his throat, beginning the inching vise between it and the torn up mats. Ferro wheezed, fruitlessly clawing at their thigh in an attempt to gain any sort of sympathy.

"Thought so." Kell scoffed, staying right in his space as he started to choke.

"KELL!" The locker room door was manually thrown open, crashing into its open position with far too much force. In seconds, the weight was gone and Kell was writhing on the floor, screeching and grappling with a rather pissed Lightning Lad. The redhead had apparently burst in from a shower, hair still wet and only decent thanks to a ratty pair of shorts.

"I fuckin'-we fuckin' told you! Deal with being on a godsdamn -fucking shit!- stop being a dick!" He somehow managed to get his arm under their neck and his legs locked around Kell's waist, scolding the feral clone like an absolute dad while out of their reach.

Ferro would laugh at the situation, but he was still trying to coax breath back into his lungs. He kinda just wanted to take a nap, if he was being honest with himself. Yeah, that was actually sounding like a pretty good idea, if he said so himself. Just a nap while Lightning and Kell screamed at each other like foxes and he'd be fine again.

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