Pinterest Pints (Misc.)

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"I love you." Hal's lopsided smile, like he hadn't just imploded Barry's stomach with his words, was firmly burrowed in the crook of the speedster's neck, scruffy with stubble and warming his skin with beer-tinged breath.

"Bear bear, m'hungrieeee!" And the magic was lost as Hal changed topics in only the way a drunk dude could, abrupt and out of left field. Barry rolled his eyes and dragged his friend the last few feet down the hallway.

Red hair, torn yellow spandex exposing Kevlar...he knew that idiot staggering down the dirty, drift-lined road!

Without a second thought of how packed the road around him was, Dick flicked on his hazards and wrenched the car over to a stop on the frozen highway, just as Wally fell into a heap, shuddering atop filthy snow.

He kicked the door open none too politely after almost tearing off his seatbelt, jumping out of the car and over the hood faster than the shaking man lying on the ground.

"Wally! Wally, oh my god, how long have you been out here?" Frosted lashes blinked sluggishly when Dick pulled the speedster upright, barely open. There wasn't a single ounce of recognition, and Dick swallowed hard, beginning to lift Wally off the frozen asphalt. "Hang on Walls, m'gonna get you home."

He cooked. The fucking nuggets. WITH HIS ARM CANNON.

Saturn Girl was screaming internally at the burnt, twisted chaos that, once upon a time, had been food and a pan separately. And the dumbass that had made it was passed out, face-down in his boyfriend's lap.

It wasn't every day she regretted becoming friends with Lightning Lad, but it was definitely most of them.

For how insistent Cham was about being fine, he'd shoved himself pretty far under Lightning's arm, shaking like a leaf.

The kid was green in more ways than one, and Lightning felt bad about putting him on such a high stress mission for his first; Brainy wasn't easy to work with, and Alexis with her tech lackies was...a bitch, plain and simple. Things could've gone a lot worse though, least the kid still seemed to want to stick around.

Garth squinted at the sniffling shape curled up at the bottom of the steps, brain not awake enough to figure out what it was.


"Apaaaap! I stubbed my tooooooe!" The shape wailed, and his memory caught up with him. It was a child, his child, not some random night monster or sleep-addled apparition. He started carefully down the slick steps with socked feet.

"Oh, buddy, did the stairs getcha? Hang on, m'comin."

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