Pinterest Pints (LightningWolf)

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Brin sat perched on a barstool, watching Garth make dinner for the other Legionnaires.

The redhead was currently bobbling between the stove and the sink with a burning pan of sauce held at arms length, frantically trying to figure out whether the noodles were done enough to be strained and dumped on the fire.

"Babe, Sparky, are you sure you-"

"No, I don't need help!" He screeched, looking all the world like he did. "I have a reputation to uphold, and if you tarnish it, I'll chuck this at you!"

"Sparky, you know burnt isn't a flavor profile, right?"

"Fuck you, yes it is!"

Brin pillowed his cheek on the scarred plush of Garth's chest, rumbling quietly. The redhead's arm sat curled around Brin's shoulders, while his partner's lay across the warm expanse of his belly. Bare legs tangled in a comfortable knot, soft grey fur mingling with dark red hair and warm afternoon sun covering them like a blanket, shining bright through the uncurtained window.

Sure, there were things to do and people to see, but they'd be damned if they let an off day go to waste.

Brin was bristling, underbite set in a grim snarl as he and Phantom watched the scene playing out in front of them.

Cosmic and Lightning were at each other's throats for probably the four hundredth time since they'd been together, and Rokk, as always, was taking it too far.

Brin and Tinya didn't know what started the argument, and weren't even close enough to hear it all (B could, he just didn't want to), but as Garth stormed past with a snarling "Fine!", there were tears dripping off his cheeks.

With a final glare at Rokk, still standing in the middle of the sim room like he'd won something, Brin spat in his direction and stalked off to go find his roommate, not caring whether Tinya followed or not.

Garth was balled up in their room, again, hiding in the one corner of Brin's bed that couldn't be seen from the door.

Pale, glowing eyes looked up from the bar of his arms, and Garth wiped his nose on the back of his hand.

"Gim-me a s-s-se-sec-ec, I can m-mo-ove-e." He hiccuped, making to stand before Brin stopped him with a pat to his shoulder.

Quietly, the wolf scooted up onto the bed next to Garth, left arm slipping around to bracket shivering shoulders and right hand digging out his data pad.

Garth didn't catch the small smile that tugged at the corner of Brin's mouth when he shuffled into the warm bend of the wolf's side, and Brin was equally oblivious to the way Garth's eyes lit as he queued up some of the redhead's favorite videos -ship mods and farm vets- and just settled there without saying a single word.

They stayed that way the entire night, eventually drifting off while propped up against each other and leaving the data pad to the abyss of the bed sheets as it folded away.

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