Pinterest Pints (LightningWolf)

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"You need to shut up." Timberwolf stalked away from Lightning Lad, intending to ignore him for probably the thousandth time. Always annoying, however, Lightning followed.

"Hah, you couldn't make me if you tried!"

"Wanna bet?" Timber glared over his shoulder, and the redhead grinned.

"Easiest money I'll ever-" Before the words could even finish leaving his mouth, Timber had slammed him up against a wall, one hand pinning him by his chest and the other caging his secondary escape route. The wolf loomed over Lightning Lad, leaning down into the other man's space to come nose-to-nose with him.

"Got somethin' to say, Sparky?" He growled, claws prickling through Lightning's shirt to graze at scars they'd already made once. The redhead blinked, swallowed, and shook his head, the barest tastes of fear and something else swirling in the scant distance between them. "Good. Silence suits you so much better."

"It's okay, sweet thing." Garth tugged Brin's head into his arms, giant skull bigger then the man's whole torso. Wild amber eyes narrowed, then fell closed with a pained whimper as sharp, guilty claws hid themselves away.

Trembling legs collapsed, and bIood soaked Brin's forehead from the marks on Garth's chest, but still the redhead held him, pressing a kiss to the coarse mane between his ears.

"You're safe, nobody's gonna hurt you. I'll make sure of it." That last bit was a threat, meant for the Legionnaires milling around out of reach, distrust and fear bright in their eyes.

Timberwolf: "Shut" smack "the fuck" smack "UP!" Smack smack smack.

Lightning Lad: "Why are people who are allergic to cockroaches also allergic to some coffees?

Timberwolf: *incoherent sobbing*

Garth flinched at the crack of thunder rattling the walls, cringing into the curve of Brin's chest. Gentle claws scratched back and forth over his spine, following the curve up to his neck.

"You're pretty spooked by your namesake." Brin hummed, threading his fingers through Garth's copper hair.

"Yeah, I know." Garth sniffled into his collarbone, tears soaking the soft fur of his throat. "Laugh it up."

"That'd be a dick move, so no."

"Are you guys dating?" Phantom asked, leaning against the back of the couch. Timberwolf looked up at her from his stretched out place, head pillowed on Lightning's sleeping thighs.

"I don't think so, why?"

"Because you're, uh..." Phantom waved vaguely  at the way Timberwolf was laying, Lightning passed out above him. "That."

"Well, yeah, but honestly? He could suffocate me with his thighs, and I'd say thank you."

"O...Kay. Did not need to here that. Have fun."

"If I found out you took pictures, I'm leaving Zuunian ticks in your bed."

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