Pinterest Pints (SuperBrain)

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Clark could've cried. Scratch that, he was crying. Crying over the fact that 12 levels of intelligence couldn't help Brainiac see what was right in front of his face.

Clark wasn't even hiding how bad he had it for the tiny Coluan anymore, but B somehow continued to be gloriously blind to all of it. At this point, it'd seriously be easier to just curl into a ball and die rather than try and confess anything to the little android.

Brainy was limp under Clark's arm. He'd said it was to make it harder to be carried, but pretty much everyone called bullshit on it right away, the little fool was 110% touch-starved, 24-7.

As it stood right now, Clark was pretty sure the android had either passed out while suspended a foot off the ground, or sulking with the way he hung from Clark's arm like a wet towel. Granted, not getting to claw someone's eyes out because they accidentally knocked over a project was frustrating, but the anger of it all was also tiring, and Clark didn't want to disturb Brainy either way.

Brainiac froze, and knew he'd been had as an evil grin spread on Phantom's face.

"So, How'd you know what Clark looks like sleeping?"

"I don't have to answer that." He said stubbornly, ducking back behind the safety of his computer. A safety that came crashing down as Phantom nearly closed it on his fingers. "HEY!"

"Does Mr. Smartypants have a boyfriend?" Her grinned widened as his face warmed, synthetic skin darkening considerably.

"He does! Doesn't he?"

"I don't have to answer that." Brainy growled more firmly, pointedly reopening his computer. "Go bother Brin. I have things to get done."

Clark lay dazed on the floor of the sim deck, squinting into red sun lamps like a true idiot. A shadow fell over him, reaching out a hand that he would've taken if he wasn't currently experiencing what it felt like to be winded for the first time.

"How do you miss a block to the same leg sweep 57 times? Even Lightning Lad could do this in his sleep."

"Can we not use me as an insult for one training session?" Lightning whined over the intercom, and Brainy fixed the viewing room with a deadpan face.



"Hm." The little android shrugged and turned back to Clark, reaching for his hand. "One more time."

"You said that the last 42 times." Clark griped, but was already shuffling into stance as the soles of his feet touched the cold floor.

"I mean it this time." Brainy's eyes lit with malicious delight at the words, though, and something told the human he was lying through his teeth.

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