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Cosmic wasn't known to keep much consistent, what with the way he popped in and out like a bag in a revolving door, but there was one thing everybody could look forward to whenever they had him as mission leader: the patented post-mission scream session.

Rokk paced up and down the cramped aisle of the pod, decimating any sense of good mood with the storm cloud that followed behind. He'd already chewed out Phantom for all she was worth -or, tried to, Tinya had gotten rather adept at ignoring him whenever it suited her- and had moved on to yelling at Luornu, who was also less than pleased.

"I'm sure you know how fucking dangerous it is to be chucking yourself into a teammate's path, Damsel, maybe think a little more before trying something new?"

"Maybe shut your trap a little more, and Timber wouldn't've missed us!" Luornu snapped, frazzled bangs pushed out of the way to catch the full scene of Rokk's audacity.

"Well, excuse me for being concerned about my team!"

"You're excused, 'cause it's not yours!" She stood up and jabbed a finger into his chest. "So stop acting like it!"

Rokk gaped at that, though his surprise quickly morphed back to rage.

"I do more for this team in a week-"

"What, plastering your pretty little face everywhere? Yeah, some good that does." Luo scoffed, and Rokk started turning a shade of red that could've rivaled Colossal Boy's suit.

"Do you know how much goes into recruitment, mission planning-"

"You are, kinda, a mascot." Cham squeaked from the other side of Timber, ducking out of sight as murderous black eyes turned on him. Instead of heeding the deadly tension quickly filling the cabin, Rokk rounded on the kid.

"Oh, I'm the mascot? Bold words for some nepotistic runt of a Durlan who's only here because Daddy didn't want you getting an owie while playing hero all by yourself, so shut your-"

"I think you need to shut yours, before you say something else you're gonna regret." Brin finally snarled out, amber eyes cold and arm thrown protectively in front of Cham.

"That's a threat, mutt, act on it and it's strike three." Rokk's scowl turned into something of a grin, right up until Luo yanked him back by his collar.

"And there's two others with a squeaky clean record. Keep talking and it's batter's up, bitch."

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