Loss (LightningWolf)

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Brin lay squashed against Garth's back in a tiny hospital bed, hand pressed firm over the other man's heart. There was a heart monitor beeping steadily not even a foot away, but it brought him more comfort to feel the slow thump himself.

The arm not holding Garth in a mild death grip was pillowing Brin's head, though it had gone numb ages ago, and he'd tugged the other man under his chin. Their legs were curled neatly together; Brin's knees tucked into the bend of Garth's and ankles stacked haphazardly one over the other. All of it added up to Brin's body eclipsing Garth's within the tiny confines of an XL twin, a bed that neither could comfortably fit in even alone.

The cold press of metal on Brin's shoulder kept him awake, frigid and unnatural on a body as warm as Garth's, and sat as a chilling reminder of how close he'd come to losing his...everything. How easy it would've been for the universe to rip away one of the choice few that Brin was allowed to call his. How terrifying it was to imagine the gaping wound it would've left behind.

A sob began to boil in his throat, entirely unwelcome, and Brin buried his nose in Garth's tangled curls to stifle it, lashes crushing against his cheeks to try and dam his watering eyes. Even so, a ragged whimper freed itself from the knot in Brin's throat, and hot tears chilled quick as they slowly seeped into the fine fur of his temples. He squeezed Garth into he nonexistent space between them like a stuffed animal, sniffling breaths growing shallow as Garth's back compressed on Brin's lungs. So wrapped up in his distressed spiral, he failed to catch the changing thump of the heart under his palm.

"B'by?" Garth peeked over his shoulder -what was left of it, anyways- but couldn't see much past shapes with his bad eye. His other hand clumsily reached for Brin's forearm, fumbling in that barely awake way that people hit alarm clocks with. "W's g'in on?"

Brin stiffened, swallowed, and shattered, loosing a mournful wail into Garth's neck as sharp claws dug dangerously into the meat of the other man's chest.

"Brin's'kay. S'Kay, leddit go." Garth mumbled, smoothing down the puffed up fur of Brin's arm with his thumb. "M'right here. Never gonna leave ya."

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