Pinterest Pints (Misc.)

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Brainiac shivered in the warm breadth of Clark's chest, hiding frustrated tears in the crook of his neck. If he noticed, Clark kindly didn't say anything, only shifted the little slip of an android higher up and brushed his cheek over top of Brainy's fluffy hair.

Brainiac bonked his head against Clark's shoulder as they passed each other in the hall, seeming to be entirely oblivious to the fact he'd done it in the first place.

He bonked his head on Clark's back as he walked by in the locker room, not even pausing his conversation with Garth.

He bonked his head into Clark's chest after hard missions, filthy from head to toe and looking dead on his feet.

It was only fitting Clark returned the favor, gently knocking their foreheads together before bed.

"Clark, put the icing DOWN." The spoon by itself wasn't threatening, but the arm cannon carrying it definitely was. He reluctantly set the bag on the counter, and Garth lowered his weapon.

"Keep trying to eat Phantom's cake before it's done and I'm throwing you out the airlock."

"Hmm? What's up?" Ferro's neck creaked as he cocked his head, bone-white curls hanging limply off his scalp.

He seemed normal, exactly how he was before he died, Maybe it was the way he moved, jarring and stuttery, or the strange tone to his voice that came from his newly-made respirator, but it made Clark's skin crawl.

"Uhh, nothing. Nevermind."

Kell felt the tears dripping onto their arms, becoming a dark blotch on the cuffs of their gloves. They could feel the air whispering past their tongue, but the sound was gone, stolen by some cruel monster that reveled in their silence as the rest of the Legion sat not even ten feet away.

So stuck, Kell couldn't even reach for the attention of the closest body, pain burning a hole under their arm and shoulder. And what would they say even if they could? Nothing, not with their voice tangled up in their throat.

Kell sat curled in the corner of the couch, gloves folded away on the side table and hands fiddling with a small, strange contraption of nuts and bolts.

Polished with use and greased to silence, the strange, welded knot seemed to twist and breathe as different bits were tightened and loosened in increasingly complex ways.

It took at least five minutes for them to seem to finish the puzzle, before staring at it for probably a bit too long, and then they began undoing the whole thing.

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