Pinterest Pints (Kerro)

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Ferro purred into the crook of Kel's neck, entirely melted over the other hero as they stretched out over the couch. Kel seemed entirely unfazed, though their cheeks were steadily growing redder the longer they lay there, squashed under the giant beanpole like a worm under a rock.

Ferro, on the other hand, had chucked his shame out the window, plastered to the clone in a long-limbed sprawl like a bony blanket. Whether he was asleep or just comfortable was anybody's guess, but the one thing they did know was that he wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

Ferro shouldn't, he really shouldn't. Kell was reckless and assholish and probably everything bad for him, but the two were so, so close, and there was something appealing and biteable about the plush of their lower lip. It was only a few inches away, what harm could it do to just...lean in?

K3NT held X's blanket up to inspect it, keeping it out of X's frantic reach. "Give it back, K3, it's mine!"

"Does it serve a purpose?" They asked tonelessly, almost bored as they held back their project from it's only possession.

"It helps me sleep, now give it-"

"Unsatisfactory, you do not need sleep, therefore you do not need this." X caught the glimmer of a second, sharper set of metal claws, and a cracked whimper left it's throat.

"K3, please! Please just give it back, I swear I'll train harder just-"

"You cannot 'train harder' if you are worried about mere objects." K3NT's voice never changed, but X was well attuned to the subtle, nasty shift in their words.

"No, no no no NO, K3, PLEASE!" X fought against the talons holding it back with everything except powers -it's chest still ached from the last time it made that mistake- but the bot was still stronger, and X could only watch as it's one comfort was shredded to bits.

Kel knew it, they'd seen the scars. They'd watched the way Ferro flinched away from Garth and Ayla, the way he winced at buzzing lights like it was going to fall on him, even the way he bolted from loud noises. Kel knew what dying and coming back to life felt like, and so did Ferro. It was a second chance, sure, but sometimes the cost -the pain, the nightmares, the fear- felt so much greater than the reward.

Flour was everywhere. It coated the cabinets, the counters, even the fluffy black spill of Kel's hair had been dusted white. They didn't seem to notice, though: too busy holding down a violently shaking stand mixer. Ferro kindly waited until they'd turned it off before saying anything.

"Hey, Kelly, whatcha doin'?" Ferro had about a second to dodge the bolt of green ice flung his way, paired with a yelp far too high to have come from either of them.

"What are-whaddaya want?" Ferro caught  the way they corrected back to their normal snap, grinning at the glimpse of reddening ears as Kel turned back to their project.

"Just wanted to...see what all the noise was about. You need help?"

"No! Go away!"

"Okay, okay, I know when I'm not wanted." Ferro shrugged and waved over his shoulder, ducking under the smoking bolt of ice sticking from the wall. "Good luck, Kelly!"

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