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Furball was...a problem. Oh, the beast was great for missions -and had stopped turning his temper on Legionnaires- but having a nosy, touch-starved giant wandering around headquarters without warning was alarming at the best of times and a dangerous hazard at worst. Granted, Brin wasn't much better, but at least he acted like he had a reputation to uphold; Furball had nothing to prove and everything to gain by sticking his oversized nose into places it didn't belong.


"...and this shithead's just whipping his freshly severed arm around, screeching about-"

"Weh." Rather dramatically, Furball crumpled into a tired heap on the floor beside Phantom, head falling to rest atop her crossed thighs. Bounce startled, somehow still not used to the beast's uncanny ability to just...appear wherever, but she only puffed out an amused breath.

"Oh, hey bud." She diverted her attention for a whopping second to acknowledge the dinner-table-sized beast, who was begging for scritches with puppy eyes and raspy whines. She snorted, but obligingly sought out the crook of his jaw and continued ranting to Bounce like nothing had happened. "So, dude's screaming for revenge..."


Cham and Val were trapped. Not by fallen debris, or enemy nets, but betrayed by the oversized ball of fluff that was one of their senior Legionnaires.

The beast rumbled away -not quite a purr, not quite a snore, pink tongue poking out from the jut of his underbite- with his front paws easily and firmly hemming them both into the fluff of his neck, leaving no escape. They could call for help, but it wouldn't do anything, the other seniors present snickering at their rookie mistake.

In Cham's defense, Furball made a very convincing beanbag while completely loafed.


Lightning Lad felt like a kid getting their hair brushed. For probably the fifth time in ten minutes, Furball growled at him to sit still so the beast could meticulously pick metal bug creatures off of him. He could've short-circuited the lot of them in 10 seconds flat, but Furbie seemed hellbent on helping, and Lightning let him; mostly because the repetitiveness of it seemed to unfray his frazzled nerves, and partly because it was...actually kind of nice.

Furball was warm, and surprisingly careful as sharp teeth brushed back and forth across Lightning's shoulders, accompanied by whuffling breaths. Every bug he pulled got crunched into bits and spit into a bucket before moving onto the next -a bit much on the overkill, but they didn't know what the things did, so it was probably warranted.

"Hey, bud, don't forget to leave one. B wants a crack at them too." Furball scoffed at that, head coming around to face Lightning so he could get the full effect of the beast's annoyed "we'll see" face.

B did not get his bug.


Dream, Saturn, and Light sat propped against the barrel of Furball's ribs, bowl of popcorn passed between them. Phantom and Violet shared another bowl over top of the beast's back, heads propped up on a shared blanket. Counting all three of the Trips trapping Kell in the fluff of his neck, and Furball was officially furniture. Not that he cared. Being the movie night beanbag meant snacks, scritches, and the all-powerful ability to knock touch-starvation on it's ass; there was literally no way to go wrong.

The girls, plus Kell, stayed up far longer than any of them should've, considering half had a mission not even eight hours later, but that one was mostly on Phantom -she had a bad habit of going overboard with the permanent markers- rather than the movie, one they'd seen way too many times and had already exhausted any arguments for. Furball was ever-grateful they hadn't picked a reboot, it probably would've ended with someone strangling Kell.

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