Chapter 3

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              "Well, they are here for me." I told them.

"Why would they want you? No offense." Damon asked me.

"Let us go take a seat. I will explain everything." I suggested to them. We then went into the living room. From there, I explain everything to them. Why I was here and hiding from them. What was going on.

They didn't say anything to me. Everyone just looked at me, surprised. Then Stefan was the one to speak before everyone,

"So, they are here for you and your child. You came here to get away from everything in New Orleans because it's not safe there for either of you."

"Yes. Everyone wants my child dead. To get that happen. I must die. That isn't going to happen." I told them.

"What are we all trying to figure out is why they want you dead to kill your child? What did you do to them? How are Klaus and they involved?" Caroline asked me.

"Well, because of who the father is." I was saying. I bite my lip before speaking anything. I took a deep breath and said, "Because Klaus is the father. Before you guys ask how. Let me explain. Klaus was born as a werewolf first and changed into a vampire by magic. So, this was just a loophole in everything."

"You are caring Klaus Mikaelson's miracle baby." Elena stated.

I just nodded at them. I didn't know what else to say. I told them everything. Now it's up to them to keep it if they want. But I know they will. Even Caroline. We become close like a family. So, they will understand why I did what I did. I hoped.

The room was silent for a while; everyone was processing all the information. But the silence was broken by a cell going off. We all looked at our phones. Then Caroline showed us it was her phone. Klaus Mikaelson was calling. I nodded to her to answer.

"Hello." She said. I didn't want to know what they were saying, so I didn't listen to the call.

She then put her phone to her chest to mute it. She then said,

"He wants to talk to you. He knows you are here."

I looked at them all. I really didn't know if I wanted to talk to Klaus or not. But I can't hide from them forever. They will find me sooner or later. So just get it out of the away now. I took the phone from her and put it to my ear.

"Yes." I said into the phone.

"Hello, little wolf. Clever of you to hide from us. It has taken us a while since we got this far. Now, where are you?" He asked me. I know he was trying to hold his temper and everything.

"If I am going to talk to anyone of you. Put Elijah on the phone." I demanded at him.

I know the silence wasn't good. Because Klaus was trying not to yell at me. But then I heard some noise and a new voice said,


"Hello, Elijah."

"Hayley, don't know how happy I am to hear your voice. Are you okay?" He asked me.

I smiled at what he said. He was always the nicest to me. Also, Rebekah was too. I then answered him,

"I am fine, Elijah. Why won't I be?"

"There is a lot to explain. Can we meet up somewhere?" He requested.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. But I have to say something. I then said,

"Sure. We can meet in the ruins of the old Lockwood Estate. Klaus should remember where that is." I told him.

"Can we meet in an hour?" He asked me.

"Sure. See you in an hour." I said to him. I then hung up before he could say anything else.

I looked at everyone. Then Tyler stated,

"You are not going alone. We are coming with you. So there is no fighting with us on it."

"I won't want it any other away." I told him.

We then got ready to go to the ruins of the old Lockwood Estate. I was getting nervous now. I asked Bonnie to keep the spell on me until they got close. We were the first ones there. The guys stayed outside for them. Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena stayed with me down there.

A few more hours passed. I was just nervous and everything. Elena took my hand to comfort me. She knew I was getting worried. Caroline looked over at me and said,

"Hey, don't be nervous. Everything is going to be fine."

Just then, we heard footsteps and people talking. I didn't care to listen in because I knew who it was and what they might be saying. Just then, the guys came down with the Mikaelson. I was sitting at a stone table. They were all looking at me.

"Hello, there, little wolf." Klaus said to me.

"This has to be the stupidest thing you thought of. More stupid than going to the bayou for that witch to give you a check-up." Rebekah told me.

I just stood there quiet because I didn't know what to say. But it wasn't just them. Behind them was the girl I helped point out the Grill. Also, Kol and some random guy. Marcel and Davina were with them too. So all these people are here to see me.

"Cami, says miss you. Hope to hear from you soon." Davina told me.

"I should give her a call to let her know I am alright." I said.

"There are some introductions needed." Elijah said. But he still hasn't taken his eyes from me. "This is our sister Freya. Also, this is our brother Finn. Our friends Marcel and Davina."

We all know who Kol is. But the others didn't know the other people. We just stood there in silence for a while. Then Rebekah broke the silence,

"So, don't we get some answers from you, Hayley. I think we deserve that."

"Truthfully, you guys don't deserve nothing." Tyler commented.

"Tyler, it's okay. She is right. They deserve answers. But not everything because I know I'm not going to get all the answers from them." I told them.

"Ask you anything, Hayley. We will do our best to answer your questions." Elijah told me. I know at less he would try to do that.

"We will do the same. What do you guys want to know?" I asked them.

"Why did you leave? You were safe with us." Klaus asked.

"Safe with you guys. I didn't feel safe being locked up in that place and having a whole city of witches want me and my child to die. So, when I got the chance to keep my child safe, I took it." I told them truthfully.

"We were doing the best we could at that time; you haven't got hurt or killed." Klaus said to me, getting annoyed.

"Really? I was linked to a witch, and they used her to hurt my child. I almost lost her. I was done after that. I had to do what was best for her. So, sorry that it put a wrench in your plan." I told him, getting annoyed with him.

"Hayley, calm down. It's not good for the baby." Caroline told me. I took a few breaths to calm down. Caroline was right. Me getting angry and annoyed with him won't help me.

"You said her. Is it a girl?" Rebekah asked me.

"Yes. I am having a girl. Found out a while ago." I informed them.

Klaus looked at me. He was just standing there smiling. He couldn't believe that he would be a father to a baby girl. I just looked away from him. I looked over to Bonnie. Something was wrong. I then asked,

"Bonnie, what's wrong?"

She looked around and then said,

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