Chapter 16

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We then heard the door on Hayley's end open. She didn't look pleased to see who had just entered. Then there were noises, and the call ended. What just happened? Is Hayley okay? We tried to call her back. But no answers.

"Caroline, do you still have Klaus's number?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes." I told her. I pulled out my phone and dialed Klaus' number.

I waited while it rang. I was getting worried every second. We just watch someone who cares about getting taken. We can't do anything about it because we are not there. Then I heard someone pick up.

"Hello, Love. What may be the pleasure to have you calling me?" He asked me when he picked it up.

"Klaus, Hayley is in trouble. Bonnie, Elena, and I were just on a video call with her. Some came to the compound. She told us to get hold of you, and the was something going on, and the call ended. She isn't picking up." I told him all worried and everything.

"Caroline, what do you mean?" He asked me.

"I think Hayley got kidnapped from the compound. You need to get there before they are gone. It didn't happen, just not that long ago. They could still be there." I told him.

"Caroline, if this is a joke, I swear...." He was saying. But I couldn't let him finish that thought. Hayley is in trouble, and he thinks I am joking with him.

"Klaus, shut up and go save her. Why would I joke about something like this? I care for Hayley and that child she is carrying. If you don't get a move on, she could be already gone or worse." I yelled at him.

I feel like that got a move on with him. Because then the call went dead. He probably realized I was not joking. I then ended the call because he wasn't there anymore. I was getting worried, and I hoped Hayley was alright. She is family, and I worry about my family.

"So, we are just having to sit here and wait. I don't think I can do that." Bonnie stated. I was with her on that. I hate knowing someone I care about is in trouble, and I can't do anything about it.

"Then we don't." Elena said.

"How are we going to get down to New Orleans?" I asked her.

"With the help of two rich brothers that care for her as much we do." Elena told us.

*Klaus' POV*

I ended the call with Caroline. I could tell she wasn't lying to me. I looked over at my other siblings. I then said,

"We have to get back to the compound. Hayley is in trouble."

"How do you know that?" Rebekah asked.

"That call I just took was Caroline. She was on video chat with her, and someone else was in our home with Hayley." I told her.

I didn't have to say more. I could tell Elijah wanted to get back to see for himself. I was with him on that. We vampire speed back to the compound. When we first arrived, everything looked good. But when we got inside, it looked like someone had put up a fight.

"HAYLEY!" I called out.

She usually comes out and yells at me for that. But there was nothing. Elijah was already up on the second floor, looking around. She usually hides away in his study when she wants to be alone.

"There was a struggle up here. Hayley was here. But someone must have taken her, or she ran." Elijah said.

"Okay, let's say she got away and ran. Where would she go for protection?" Rebekah said.

I could think of only one place. The bayous. She has an army of her own out there that could protect her. But I am not going to rule out anything else. We are going to look for her or whoever took her. We will find one of the two.

"Elijah, go to the pack and see if she got away headed out there. Rebekah, go check the old plantation we were at before here. She might have run there for safety. I will be heading to Marcel to see if he knows anything." I told them.

We then headed our own way. We were going to find something. We were going to find Hayley or someone who knew something. I headed to Marcel, hoping he could help me. I know we are not on good terms right now, but he could at least do this for Hayley. She didn't do anything to him.

*Elijah's POV*

When I got to the bayous, I could tell Hayley hadn't been there. But maybe she is somewhere with one of them. All the wolves were watching me when I entered. That is how I know she isn't here. Usually, they just leave me alone. I then saw Jackson. He seemed surprised to see me.

"Elijah, what do you need?" Jackson asked me.

"Is Hayley here?" I asked him.

I didn't want to worry them if she was here and safe. Mostly if she didn't tell them anything. Jackson then answered,

"No. She isn't. Why do you ask?"

"Can we go talk somewhere private?" I asked him.

"Yeah, follow me." He said, heading to a cabin.

When he closed the door, he looked at me censured. I then let out a sigh and said,

"Hayley is missing. She was kidnapped from the compound. We thought she would show up here if she got away."

"When did she go missing? How can we help? You do know that we are going to want to help. She is one of us. She is missing." He told me.

"Yes, I understand. That was another reason I came here. If she wasn't here. Then she is somewhere out there. We are going to need all the help we can get." I reassure him.

*Klaus's POV*

I walked right into Marcel's place without a care. I would not let anyone stop me when Hayley and my daughter were in danger. I really hope Marcel isn't behind it. If he is.... He will regret it, I promise that. I then yelled,


Here comes Marcel right after I yelled for him. He looked annoyed, but truthfully, I didn't care. I have more significant problems.

"What do you need, Klaus?" He asked me.

"Where is Hayley?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I don't know. I haven't seen her in a while now." He answered me.

"She is missing. Do you or any one of your vampires know anything about it?" I asked him.

"No. My men know not to cross you or any Mikaelson. Even Hayley. So, why are you here when you can tell she hasn't been here?" Marcel told me.

"If I find out that anyone of your guys knows anything, they will regret it." I warned him.

"Klaus, what about this? Hayley hasn't done anything to me, and she doesn't deserve this. I will question my guys. Also, I will give you two of my best to help you look for her." He told me.

"Deal." I told him.

"Josh, Gia, come here. I have something for you guys to do." Marcel told them. "You two are going to help Klaus look for Hayley."

"Hayley is missing?" Josh asked, worried.

"Yes. Hayley was kidnapped from the compound. Whoever took her is going to regret it." I told them.

After talking for a few more minutes, I walked out with Marcel's two best help. I don't know what that is going to do. But it is something. I hope Freya has better luck with a tracking spell or something. Then, we headed back to the compound to meet up and regroup.

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