Chapter 6

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              He didn't say anything to me. Then we finished up breakfast and took it out to everyone. We sat at the table and dished out food to each other. No one really said anything; I just was last in my mind. I wasn't paying attention anyway.

I never left the house the whole day. Safety reasons. Also, if I tried, certain people would try to stop me. So, I will let them have their way for a day. But tomorrow, I am not hiding. Elijah, Freya, Tyler, Jackson, and Bonnie stayed with me.

"So, have you thought of any names for her?" Freya asked me.

"I have a few in mind. I was thinking either Angelica Hope Mikaelson. Or Hope Angelica Mikaelson. Those are my top two. But I have others." I told her.

"My option I like Hope Angelica Mikaelson. What do you think, brother?" Freya suggested to me.

I glanced over to where she was looking. Elijah was standing at the door away from the living room. Bonnie, Freya, and I hung out there until everyone came back. He looked at me and smiled. Then told me,

"Either one sounds beautiful and perfect."

I couldn't help but smile about that. Just then, Tyler came into the room with Jackson. He plopped right down next to me. Tyler then said,

"Don't let her fool you. She may say that she has options, which are her top two. We all know that truth. She already has the name picked out. It's that right little Hope."

He then touched my belly. I felt her kick. I glared over to Tyler, who was smiling about that. Jackson looked from Tyler to me. What was up with that look on his face? They are nothing going on with Tyler and me. Or any of the guys in this house. They are all my brothers. That is it.

"Well, I like the Hope. It fits great from her." Jackson commented out loud.

We all talked about the baby and everything for longer until everyone returned. I saw Matt's face. He knows something that could hurt me, and he doesn't know how to tell me. He walked away from everyone. Looks like he got his answers sooner than later.

"Excuse me." I said, getting up and going after him.

*Klaus' POV*

"What is that all about?" I asked.

"Don't know. Probably won't know." Caroline answered me.

"What do you mean, love?" I asked her.

"One, don't call me that. Two, usually what Matt and Hayley talk about stays between them." She answered me.

"Interesting." I said out loud.

"Klaus, really? Don't think like that. They are just close friends. Not that away." Rebekah expressed.

"You never know, my dear sister. Maybe he moved on from you." I told her.

Rebekah only glared at me. I know I hit a touchy spot. But I really didn't know. Just then, Jeremy spoke up.

"Hayley isn't interested in any of us guys like that. We are all her brothers in this house. So, Rebekah is right for once." He told me.

I just ignored him on that. I know Hayley doesn't see any of them like that. If anyone would have a chance with her would be Tyler. But that will never happen. Because I know the truth. But the fact is going to hurt her when she finds out.

*Hayley's POV*

"Matt, what's going on?" I asked when I caught up to him finally. I know he did that to get away from everyone who could listen in.

"Hayley, I know what Elijah is hiding from you. I need to know. Do you want to know? Or want until he tells you?" Matt asked me. He will never tell me something I didn't want to know. Mostly if it's not this secret to tell.

I stood there thinking everything over. I can know what it is. But on the other hand, I was waiting for Elijah to tell me. But I truly wanted to know. I can see Elijah wants to talk to me about something. But I don't know if I can wait. I then figured out what I wanted. I then said,

"I will wait for Elijah to tell me. But I still want to know. So, please, Matt, tell me."

"Hayley, are you sure? I don't want you to hate anyone. Also, I don't want to see you hurt. This will hurt you. After knowing everything you told me about your feelings about him." He advised me. He was making sure I was hundred percent sure of my decision.

"Matt, please tell me. If it can't be from him. At less, it's from you. Someone who knows everything." I told him.

Just before Matt could tell me, there was a knock at the door. I looked at Matt, and he looked at me. Every one of our friends knows to come right in. Also, they always let one of us know when they are coming over.

I went to answer the door. Tyler and Matt weren't that far from me. I know they were just the protective brothers. I then answered the door. They were a girl I kind of remember. She was one of Marcel's vampires. I just don't remember her name.

"May I help you?" I asked her.

"Hello there, Hayley. Is Elijah in? Someone told me I can find him here." She said to me.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked her.

"Gia? What are you doing here?" Elijah asked, coming into view sight.

Right Gia. The little vampire has a massive crush on Elijah. She just stood there. I was so hoping she was going to try to enter. It would have been amusing. But she looked at me, waiting for me to let her in. But I was not the owner of the house. I know Matt wouldn't let anyone in without my say. He only wants to keep me safe.

"Hayley, please." Elijah requested from me.

I let out a sigh and said,

"Let her in, Matt. She is no harm. Anyways she is just a little vampire."

"You can come in." Matt let her in.

Gia then entered the house and went right over to Elijah. She then did the one thing I wasn't expecting, she placed a passionate kiss on him. He didn't pull away or anything. They then separated. Elijah looked at me with sorrowful eyes. That is what he had to tell me. That was what Matt was about to let me know.

I had enough for right now. So I just walked out the front door. I wasn't going to let anyone stop me. Looks like no one was going to stop me. I didn't know where I was going. I just needed to get out of there.

*Elijah's POV*

I never wanted to hurt Hayley. I did the one thing I never wanted to do, hurt her. I was the only person she trusted in New Orleans. I ruined it. I then turned to Gia. What was she doing here? She was posted to be in New Orleans.

I wanted to go after Hayley. I was about to go after Hayley when I was stopped by Matt and Tyler. Tyler then said,

"Give her time. She will be back. She just needs some time."

I looked over to Gia and asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"I was getting worried. I haven't heard from you. I thought something happened." She told me.

I didn't know what to say. So I just walked away from Gia. I need to clear my own head. What I really want to do is talk to Hayley and explain everything. But I know that won't happen for now. So I just went into the woods to clear my head.

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