Chapter 17

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After talking for a few more minutes, I walked out with Marcel's two best help. I don't know what that is going to do. But it is something. I hope Freya has better luck with a tracking spell or something. Then, we headed back to the compound to meet up and regroup.

When I walked into the compound, Freya came right over to me. She looked worried and concerned. She then said,

"We might have a problem."

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"We have guests that want to help." She told me.

She then moved out of the away. I saw Caroline and the whole lot from Mystic Falls. Why are they here? I don't need this right now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them.

"One of our family members is in trouble. We come to help. We are going nowhere." Caroline told me.

I don't have time to argue with her. So fine, they can stay and help. The only good of it all is more help.

"Fine. But you must listen to me if you will stay and help." I told them.

"Deal," Caroline told me.

She only agreed because she knew if she or others won't be staying or helping. I then looked over to Freya. She still looked worried. I take it the tracking spell didn't work. Then Elijah entered the compound. He wasn't alone. Jackson was right behind him, which meant she wasn't there either.

"What do we have? Where is Rebekah at?" I asked out loud.

"Rebekah hasn't come back yet? I thought she was already here. I know she went all the way out there. But we would have heard from her. Klaus, you know that." Elijah told me.

"Your right. We would at less get a phone call with her whining about something. Hold on." I told them.

I then pulled my phone out and tried to call her. It rang a few times. But then it took me right to voice mail. I looked at Elijah, worried a bit. Rebekah never puts me on voicemail unless she is pissed at me. I know she is too worried right about Hayley to do that.

"No answer." I told them.

I now have my sister Rebekah, Hayley, and my child missing. What is the hell going on? I was about to yell when I saw an unknown number come onto my phone. I answered it,


"Klaus, next time you go to the place known for the best hiding spots. You might want to come out here. I have something, or should I say someone who might help us. But my new friend won't talk to me. Maybe you or Elijah can change his mind." Rebekah said on the other line.

"We will be right there, sister. Do you want me to bring anything?" I asked her.

"Maybe a blood bag or two. I need a pick-me-up. It's that or new friend here." She told me.

"Deal, sister. But if you want something to hold you over until we get them. Be all means. I don't want you to be tired and weak. Also, are you alright?" I asked her.

"Just annoyed. If you are going to bring something. Bring me a new pair of clothes and shoes. I kind of need them. It got pretty ugly here." She told me.

"Deal. Don't worry; I will bring something that might change your mood. See you then." I told her.

I then hung up the phone and looked at my family. I gave them a smile. It seems like one of my family members can do right for me. It will always be Rebekah. I told them what was happening, and then we headed out right after grabbing a few things.

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