Chapter 20

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I went to see where my dear sister Rebekah had gone too. I see Stefan and a few others looking throw books and everything. To figure out what is against. But I already know the threat. I need to know how they all lived. No, that's the question.

"Have you guys figured anything out?" Elena asked.

"Yes. We know who the threat is." I was saying.

"Then let's find them and end this. What are we waiting for?" Caroline asked.

"Well, love, the only thing stopping us is that the threat posts to be dead." I told them truthfully.

"What do you mean? Is the threat posted b be dead? Who is the threat?" Damon asked.

*Hayley's POV*

"Hayley, are you okay?" Jackson asked me worried.

I didn't know what to say. I know I am not alright. I am linked to different people to control me and hurt me. But now it's because whoever it is has something to do with the Mikaelisons. This was the reason I left in the first place.

"Hayley?" I heard Elijah call my name.

I looked up at them all. I didn't know what to say. Because I didn't want to say the wrong thing. Mostly around Elijah and Jackson being around. I then decided to say,

"What is there to say? I don't have much to say. So let's get back there before everyone questions or assumes something."

I then got up and headed to the door. I didn't wait for any of them. I just went back outside. I didn't look back to see if they were following me. I went back to where everyone at. A couple minutes passed when Tyler, Elijah, and Jackson rejoined everyone.

*Elijah's POV*

We all watched Hayley walk out of the cabin. I know she didn't like the outcome of all of this. I don't know how to help her right now. I looked to Jackson and Tyler to see their thoughts on the matter.

"She is holding back. She isn't saying what she wants to say." Tyler told us.

"What would that be?" Jackson asked.

"Probably, that we took her away from somewhere she was safe. Also, felt safe. Away from all this drama and pain. She won't be wrong." I answered for both.

Just by Tyler's face, I knew I was right. When I get the chance to talk to her alone. I will reassure her that everything is going to be okay and we will throw this one away or another. We both know there will be a lot of pain and horror on its way. That this is just the beginning of it all.

Time passed, and we headed back to the compound. As soon as we got back, Hayley went somewhere from all of us. I went to talk to Klaus. But first, I need to know if we have gotten anywhere.

"Niklaus, there you are. Any news on our situation we have?" I asked him.

"No. Expect what we already know. How did Hayley take everything? She probably hates this family more now, if I am guessing right." Klaus asked.

"She is playing everything off okay. But I think she is scared. I don't blame her. All we have done is bring her back here from a safe place. Put her in danger." I answered him.

"Mystic Falls wasn't that safe. Nowhere is safe for her right now. So, I don't know what she wants. We all have enemies. Just at the moment, they are our family's one." Klaus said.

"I know that brother. But I think she wanted something different for your child. She shouldn't have to live a life in fear. I am not trying to fight with you on this. I am just giving my option on the situation at hand. Trying to show it in her eyes." I told him.

"I know. I don't want this for my child also. So, then let's do something. Like I said when you first came back. We know who it is. We probably know the why. But now these find them and ensure we end them for good." Klaus suggested. Of course, he goes right to murder. But sadly, this time, it's what has to happen.

*Hayley's POV*

I went back to my room when I got back to the compound. Was Elena, Caroline, and Rebekah waiting for me there? They all looked up at me when I entered. I didn't have anything to say to any of them. But I know they would want to talk about what I think of all of this.

"How was your time down in the Bayous?" Elena asked.

"Good. It was nice getting away for a bit. Not until Elijah told me what they all found out about our situation. I just don't know anymore right now." I told them truthfully.

"What do you mean you just don't know anymore?" Caroline asked me.

"I'm just saying I had a peaceful life in Mystic Falls. I come back here when it's not safe still. I understand I made a wrong. But I had to do something for my daughter. Now I am back to what I don't want to bring her into." I answered her.

"Hayley, everyone has stuff happening. But you left and didn't say anything to them. So, of course, they were going to come after you. But is there anywhere safe?" Caroline said to me.

"Caroline, I don't want to be rude. But there are no other words to say except what I'm about to say. It was safe for me at Mystic Falls. I knew they were going to come after me someday. But I thought they would do something right for this coming child. Also, you must put your child first to protect them because they can't right now. I was never happy about running, but I did." I told her truthfully.

"May I ask something, Hayley?" Rebekah asked.

"I think I already know what you want to ask. Yes, I would do it all again. If I know she would be safe." I answered her unsaid question.

"That was one question. My other question is, would you have come back or let us know about her?" Rebekah asked me.

"One day, I was going to. I wasn't going to let her wonder about her family like I did." I answered her.

I know Rebekah wasn't mad at me. She understood everything I did. With Caroline, we had this conversation before. She never agreed with me. I always just ignored her.


It was a slow day at work, so I got to go home early. When I walked into Tyler's place where I was staying. Caroline was there hanging out with Tyler.

"Hey, Hayley. I thought you posted to be at work?" Tyler asked me.

"Slow day. So, I got to go home early. What's going on?" I asked.

"Caroline wanted to spend time together," Tyler told me.

"Okay. I will be in my room. I am going to figure out my next move." I told him.

"Talking about that. I had some friends keeping an eye out for them. The Mikalisons are looking for you. But they haven't picked anything up yet." He told me.

"Thanks, Tyler. If you hear anything else can you let me know?" I asked. I then saw Caroline roll her eyes and shack her head. "What, Caroline? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said.

"Oh, really. The next time, don't let the person see you roll your eyes and shack her head. You don't understand what I do there with this. But it's the best thing for my daughter." I told her.

I was about to walk away before Caroline spoke up,

"That is not best for her. She is not going to do anything about herself. Or her family. Keeping them in the dark. I know I don't see eye to eye with them or like them. But they deserve to know who she is. You are just being selfish and letting her be like you."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Who do you think you are. Do you think I want this for her? No. If I stayed, she would be dead. I am saving her. I don't want her away from them. But I have to. It's not safe right now. Also, she will know who her family is. I would never let her be in the dark. How dare you. You don't know what we went throw down in New Orleans. So, stay out of this."

I then turned and left. I didn't want to stay around. I didn't want to be around when Tyler told her everything, which I know he is. I need a breather.


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