Chapter 4

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              She looked around and then said,

"We are not alone."

"She's right. We are not alone. Are there any other witches here except us?" Freya asked Bonnie.

"No. Just me. My family is the only witches in Mystic Falls; I am the last of them." Bonnie answered her.

"Then we need to leave now. It's not safe here." Freya stated. I looked at everyone. Knowing once they come into town, nothing good would come from it. I have been living safe and sound ever since I left.

"We can go to our place. It's the closest." Stefan suggested.

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go." Rebekah commented.

We all headed out of there and to Salvatore's house. Once I stepped out in the open, Matt, Jeremy, and Tyler came to my side. They were going to keep me safe. Bonnie went in front of me. So, I was surrounded by people who wanted to keep my child and me.

We were walking in the woods. I just looking around. I was on edge now. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. But I know there was no way around that. Something wasn't right. We know they were here. But where are they?

"Something isn't right." I said, looking around.

"Let's not worry about that right now. We just need to get to the boarding house." Matt said.

Then we saw the sky get darker. The wind started to pick up. We all just stopped. It was like we were being kept in one spot. Also, separate us at the same time. In the distance, I saw figures lingering. There they are.

"We need to find a way out of this. Can you guys do anything?" Stefan asked Freya, Davina, and Finn. But, of course, we already know Bonnie can do something.

"We can try. But Davina, safe your magic just in case." Freya told her.

I know Davina couldn't do any magic because she was away from home. New Orleans was her source. But there was something different about her. I just didn't know what. She then said,

"You know I can help. Let me."

"No. We can't afford you getting hurt again." Freya told her.

Davina just sighed and gave in. Freya looked at her and told her something else without using words. Davina nodded in understanding. She then came over to me and stood by me. Then they went to work. Trying to stop what is happening.

"They are too powerful. We don't have enough strength." Finn said.

"They may be stronger. But we are smarter. You guys don't know these woods like us. Trust us. We just need to get to the boarding school. Let's outsmart their magic." I told them.

They know I was right. Even if the word trust was a hard word for the originals. But the only way to get out of this is to work as one. I was not going to give up now. Everyone agreed. So, we started up and tried our best to throw whatever they threw at us.

The wind was really picking up now. We were getting knocked down, and things were getting through at us. Then, finally, I got hit by a big gust of wind. It was so strong it took me right off my feet. But I was caught by a pair of arms. I turned to see Elijah.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"No problem." He told me.

"We need to stop. These winds are working from them. Whoever they are. They are too strong for us. Now what?" Jeremy said.

It looks like no one had an idea. We were stuck here. Where these witches can get us. They know it. The witches who were sent here to reach me. We saw figures coming out of the shadows. But something stopped them. There were being pulled back. All we heard were screams. Then it went silent. Dead silent.

The sky went back to normal, and the wind calmed down. Why did it stop? What were those screams? I have many questions but no answers. I know I wasn't the only one. Everyone looked as confused as I was. Just then, we heard a howl.

Tyler looked at me and smiled, asking,

"Hayley, is that what I think it is?"

I looked at him and then looked around, smiling. I then said,


I looked over Elijah and them. Where did the werewolf come from? The only werewolf here in Mystic Falls is Tyler and me. We don't know about it anymore. But here they are. Here to help us, I hope. Just then, I saw a pair of eyes looking at us. I know those eyes.

"Jackson?" I asked.

"Come on, Hayley. We need to get out of here before more comes. I don't think that was all of them." Matt suggested. I took one back look and then left. They know where to find me when they get clothed and everything.

We got Stefan's and Damon's place. We all got inside. I just went to one of the windows and sat there. Tyler came over to me. He knows why I was looking out at the window. Was that really him? I thought he was cursed. How did they break it?

Just then, I saw someone who I did miss a lot. I got up and ran out the door. I can hear everyone yelling at me. But I just ignored them. I hugged Eve. She smiled and hugged me back. I then asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"Elijah said they found you, and they need help with the witch problem." She told me.

I looked at him. But what about the curse. It's not a full moon. What are they doing here in that state? I don't want them to get hurt because of me. I then asked,

"What about the curse?"

"All broken." I heard from the woods. I then saw Jackson coming to us from the woods with others. I ran to him and hugged him.

"How?" I asked him when I let him go.

"Looks like not all originals are bad. Looks like a few of them are just not about themselves." He told me.

I looked at them. I know Klaus won't do that, and it would be a problem in his plan. I then looked over at Elijah. It had to be him. He knows how much this means to me. It's the one thing I regretted when I left. I never saved them from their curse. I felt like I let them down.

"Elijah, thank you." I said to him.

"It wasn't just him. Like I said before, I don't ruin good shoes just for anyone." Rebekah commented.

"Thank you both." I told them.

"Hayley, it's nothing. They are your family. Everyone deserves to have a family." Elijah said.

"Wait, I thought you never knew your family." Damon said.

"I didn't until I went to New Orleans. It was the first reason I was there. I have been searching for them for a while now. Finding out I am part of the first werewolf pack. That is why I have this mark." I told him.

Everyone looked at me, surprised. We all went inside. It was right now a safe place for now. Until I get back to Tyler's home. I am defiantly safe there. For one thing, Matt is the owner. Also, Bonnie did a few things to the place to keep me safer from Klaus' emeries.

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