Chapter 19

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                            I knew that I wasn't going to win that fight. So, just giving in was the best option in this all. I then walked out of the room.

I watched them walk out of the front door from upstairs. I wanted to go, but they would just stop me if I tried. So, this was the best option. Mostly with what happened already. Everyone was already on edge.

"Everything will be okay?" I heard Davina say when she came up next to me.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate being stuck here helpless." I told her.

"You're not being helpless. You're being smart. You know you can't just put yourself and the baby in danger." She told me.

"I know. But I can't help if everyone wants to kill my baby because people are scared of myths." I told her.

"Davina, don't take it personally. Hayley just hates letting others help. She always hates being told what to do." Tyler said from the corner.

"I do. I am sorry, Davina, if I was taking it out on you." I said.

"Don't worry. It's okay. I would be the same way if I were in your position." She told me.

"Come on, Hayley, let's go do something. Get your mind off it all." Tyler suggested.

"Bayous?" I asked.

He gave me a smile, and then we headed toward the door. I said goodbye to Davina. But we didn't get far. When we were stopped by Rebekah.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked us.

"To the bayous. I am going crazy being stuck here helpless. At least there, I can do something." I told her.

"Not with a Mikaelson with you. Last time I checked, Elijah went with Klaus." She said.

"Why don't you come? Or maybe Kol?" I suggested.

"I think Klaus and Elijah would be fine with me taking her." Tyler chimed in.

"The deal. One of us has to go with her." Rebekah stated.

"Fine. If you don't want to come or Kol. Hold on." I said.

I went and found Freya and Kol. I went up to them and asked,

"Will one of you join Tyler and me down to the Bayous, please? I told Klaus and Elijah if I was going anywhere, I would have one of you guys with me. I am already regretting it."

"I will join you. I haven't gotten the chance to go down there. It sounds fun." Kol told me.

I smiled and gave him a hug saying,

"Thank you."

We then headed back to the front, where Tyler and Rebekah were waiting. She looked at me and then at Kol.

"Looks like that is all taken care of. Let's go." Tyler stated, looking at Kol.

"Yeah. See you later, Rebekah." I said.

As we walked to the Bayous, I sent Elijah a quick text letting him know where I was and who was with me.

Heading to the Bayous with Tyler and Kol.

I then waited for his response. I then got a text back saying,

Okay. I will be down there later. Be safe, and let me know if you need anything.

Will do. You guys stay safe too. Any answers yet?

Maybe. I will talk to you about it later.

Okay. Everything alright?

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