Chapter 12

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"Because this place was the place I thought would help me the most. Only a special few know about the meaning and everything. So, why not."

I went back to Rebekah, and Freya stood waiting for me. I was still a bit confused, but I knew the answers would come sooner or later. Elijah needs more time to think.

*Elijah's POV*

I sat there for a bit longer after Hayley left. I was just about to leave until Gia came. She came over to me. I went above the bench and sat down with her.

"Why are you here?" She asked me.

"I needed to think. I needed to figure a few things out. This place was the place I knew could help me. It was where it all began." I told her truthfully.

"Okay. But what is bothering you? Why didn't you just come to me to talk about it for help?" She questioned me.

"Because this place always helps me. When I have to think things throw that I don't know what to do, I come here." I related to her.

"Then what do you have bothering you?" She asked me.

"Well, a lot has happened these days. It started to make me think and open my eyes. Gia, you are a caring, good friend. But I don't think it is going to work. I do care for you. Just not in that way. I'm sorry, Gia." I implied.

"You are breaking up with me in a cemetery." She stated.

"I'm sorry, Gia. I rather not play with your feelings or lead you on. Also, this was never going to be how you really wanted." I told her truthfully.

"Tell me one thing. Are you breaking up with me for Hayley?" She asked me.

"No. Not all because of her. What you did was not right. Then you lied to me about it. But that is the reason why." I described.

*Hayley's POV*

I was relaxing on the couch in the central area with Freya and Rebekah. They want to see what happens when Elijah comes back. I only want to talk to him and get answers. Something was bothering him, and I wanted to know if I could help him.

Then I saw Elijah come back. Rebekah and Freya looked right at Elijah and then at me. He came over to me, and I gave him a smile. He returned the smile.

"Elijah, good you are back. Marcel thinks he has narrowed the witches that we are looking for. Are you coming?" Klaus asked.

"Yes." Elijah answered.

I touched his hand and said,

"We can talk when you get back. I'm fine here. I got my friends and your siblings. Go."

"I will be back, my dear. I promise." He reassured me.

He then left with Klaus. They were probably going to meet up with Marcel. I then turned away from the entry and saw everyone staring at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"How sweet of him. It's so cute that he calls you my dear." Elena said.

"He has always called her that. From day one. No one else has ever heard those words out of his mouth towards them except for her." Rebekah informed them.

I didn't say anything to that. It was getting late, and everyone was heading to bed. But Klaus and Elijah haven't returned yet. So, I went to the one spot I knew I could be okay waiting in Elijah's study.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch in the room. When I was awoken by someone. I opened my eyes to see Elijah kneeling by the sofa.

"Your back." I said sleepily.

"Yes. You are in the wrong room to sleep." He told me.

He then lifted me up. I snuggled up against his chest. I must have fallen asleep in his arms.

I woke up the following day. I looked around my room, wondering how I got there. But then last night came back to me. Elijah put me here after he found me asleep in his study. I got changed and then headed out to breakfast.

"Morning, my dear." Elijah said, sitting at the table. He was looking at the morning newspaper like always. But he was the only one there. Where is everyone else? Are they all still in bed?

"Morning. Is everyone still in bed?" I asked after making myself a fruit dish for breakfast.

"Yes. It seems everyone is." He told me.

He then came over to me with some bacon and pancakes. I gave him a small smile because he knew me too well. He then sat back down with his breakfast.

It is too earlier in the morning to question him. So, I will do it later.

"Morning." Rebekah said, coming into the room with Matt. She has been happier since he has been here. She does like him. But I know what is going on. I have respected her for it all.

Then everyone else joined us. It is nice to have this family breakfast. Even for our misfunction family. I kind of love our misfunction family. We are not perfect, but we are perfect for each other.

The morning was just like every other morning since we arrived here. We all had breakfast together, discussing what we would do with our day. Then we went our own way. I went to Elijah's study. I wanted to talk to him. I still have questions he needs to answer. He knows that.

Elijah entered his study without saying a word which is typical for us. I put down the book I was reading. I couldn't wait for any more. I need answers.

"So, you told me I could get my answers sooner than I think. We didn't really get to talk yesterday." I stated.

"Yes, we didn't. What do you want to know, my dear?" He asked me.

"Why were you out there yesterday to think? What was bothering you?" I asked him.

"I was thinking about what you told me Gia did a few days ago. Also, how she not been hundred percent truthful to me." He told me.

"So, when I showed up there yesterday, you told me. I helped you figure things out. How?" I asked.

"Even though you and Gia don't see eye to eye. You still helped by telling her where I was. Then you came to check on me and showed me that part of you I have liked for a long time. So, it did help me make a decision." He told me.

"Okay. Did you fix things with Gia at the end of it all?" I asked him.

I want to know, but I don't want to go right out and say something I might regret later. Mainly after what Elijahjust told me about myself. He came over to the couch and lifted my feet to sit down. But he didn't put my feet aside. He just put them on his lap. Right where I had them when he didn't sit down.

"It all depends on who you are talking to about this all. After talking with you and thinking everything over, I make decisions, which is part of Gia and my path. She didn't take it well, but it was the right thing to do. I can't just lead her on and not give her everything she deserves. Mostly, when someone else has my heart." He told me.

I didn't know what to say after that. I was lost for words. Elijah ended things with Gia because of me. He must have known that I was thinking it all over. Because he then said,

"That was not the only reason."

"Really? What was the other reason?" I asked.

"When she lied to me and everything, I couldn't look back at that. I have given her many chances to tell me her side. But she decided to go with a different routine. That I don't really like." He informed me.

"Okay." I said. That was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.

He gave me a smile. I smiled back at him. I don't know where this going from here. But I want to see it. The one person I hated ignoring and leaving behind the most was Elijah. So, I feel this could be our second chance. So, I'm going for it.

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