Chapter 13

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              He gave me a smile. I smiled back at him. I don't know where this is going from here. But I want to see it. The one person I hated ignoring and leaving behind the most was Elijah. So, I feel this could be our second chance. So, I'm going for it.

A lot has happened since that day. The Mikaelsons have been busy lately taking care of our reset problem. While I stay at the compound with my friends. I do visit the Jackson and the pack here and there. But I have been recently spending time with my friends from Mystic Falls. They will be heading back home soon.

"So, Hayley. We have been wondering something." Jeremy was saying.

I didn't need him to finish that thought. I knew what they were thinking and what Jeremy was about to ask me. But truthfully, I don't know what I'm going to do. I am kind of split between two homes.

"Jeremy, you don't need to ask. I already knew what you were going to say. Truthfully, I don't know what I'm going to do." I informed them truthfully.

"Whatever you decide, we will stand behind you." Elena told me.

"Anyways, we can always visit, and you can do the same for us." Matt said.

"Thanks, guys." I told them.

I have been thinking a lot more now that they will leave soon. They were just not my friends. They were like family to me now. So, I was stuck. Do I want to return to my simple life in Mystic Falls with them? Or do I want to stay here with this family?

That was when the Mikaelson came back to the compound. They look like they have some trouble. I could see blood on them. That is never good.

"Do I even want to know what happened?" I asked them.

"Don't worry, little wolf. We took care of it." Klaus said, smiling like he had just won. But I have a bad feeling about this.

"Don't forget who they mainly come after for your action Klaus. This baby who I am caring for." I said.

"Calm down everything will be fine. They will be stupid if they try anything." Klaus said.

"Hayley, if they try anything so soon, we will show them what they messed with. Why mess with the Mikaelsons." Rebekah stated from the stairs.

I think she was going to get cleaned up. I then looked over to Elijah. But, of course, he barely had anything on him. I don't get how he does it. But I know he probably tried to clean up a bit before getting here.

He gave me a smile to reassure me. I just got this bad feeling. I just can't shack. Then they all went to clean up.

*Elijah's POV*

Because of all the stuff that has been happening since we got back, I really haven't talked to Hayley. I do want to speak to her about an important topic. But there is one person I need to talk to first. Just to reassure him that there will be no harm to him.

I went to Klaus' study when I got done cleaning up. I know that is where he probably be there. So I knocked on the door.

"Enter." I heard Klaus say.

I went into the room to see Klaus working on a piece. Then, I went over to see what he was working on.

"Hello, brother. What can I do for you?" He asked me.

"I want to talk to you about something important." I told him.

"That would be?" He asked, not even looking away from his canvas.

"Hayley." Was the only words that came out of my mouth.

"What about her?" He asked me.

"You know I have feelings for her, and she has some for me. I want you to know that whatever happens between us. You will always be that girl's dad. I will always be her Uncle Elijah. But I want to see what is there between Hayley and me." I told him truthfully.

He then turned to look at me. I was standing there waiting for him to say something. But he just stood there. He then sighed and said,

"I know you would do nothing to ruin my chances for me to be a father to my daughter. So, I won't ruin your chances with Hayley. Just don't hurt her."

"I won't. I promise. Thank you, Klaus." I said, smiling.

I then headed out of the room. I wanted to find Hayley. Tell her everything and see where this will go.

*Hayley's POV*

I really don't know what I'm going to do. Do I stay here in New Orleans? Or do I go back to Mystic Falls? I have two families to choose from. I am split in two right now. Part of me tells me to return to my simple life in Mystic Falls. The other part tells me to stay in New Orleans and fight for what is right.

I just need to go somewhere to think. I know the right spot to go. But who should I ask to take me? Someone who will not bother me with my decision but will help.

"Hayley." I heard from my door away.

I looked to the door to see Elijah standing there. The perfect person. He always knows what to say to help.

"Elijah, I was wondering if you could take me somewhere? If you are not busy." I asked him.

"Sure, my dear. Anywhere." He told me.

We then headed out of the compound. I could take this time to clear my head and think everything over. There was only one place I could do that best. By the end, I should know what I'm going to do.

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