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As a child, you are simply oblivious to almost everything someone does or says to you that isn't exactly worth remembering at the time.

The tactless words that don't seem as hurtful or traumatic as they are when you age.

I don't remember much of what Jimin would mention to me when we were kids, I do however recall a few short phrases, the ones that hurt the most, the ones that stuck.

"And that's why your fat Jisoo!" When I refused to play outside.

"We need to lose weight before summer!" She'd exclaim before getting me to jog around the block with her.

"We need to stop eating so much." While we raided her kitchen cabinets.

Something I caught on to was she rarely started singling me out in those hinted sayings, always using the word "we". That is until we got a bit older. Then it was just me.

We became so obsessive with the idea we needed to be pencil-thin and sturdy.

The problematic part is, that I was only 9 years old.

We'd often do things like go for bike rides while counting how many calories we'd burn doing it, using the at-home-gym in her basement to workout together, sometimes we'd even do yoga in her living room to kill time.

It never worked though.

The day would end with me going back home and coming back the next day to eat fruit roll ups and ice cream.

The cycle would repeat almost every time we'd see each other.

Eat, exercise, go home, come back, eat.

In the end, we'd always eat.

We'd eat

And eat

And eat.

Ironically enough, she still ended up heavier than me.


And I have no penitence saying that.

However, I should consider thanking her. Without her I might still stuffing my face with junk. Never saying I'm not hungry.

Thanks to her,

"I'm not hungry."

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