I think a situation everyone is put in at some point in their lives is being offered marijuana. Some people go their wholes lives without smoking and they are very proud of it. You want a cookie?
I had to be offered marijuana quite a few times before I actually did it. I was 13 and spending the night at my friend Seoham's house. Jennie (who I still wasn't aloud to hangout with) was also spending the night.
She arrived later that night with a cart. She and Seoham wanted to get high and they convinced me to do it as well.
"Jisoo common it won't kill you! Just do it!" They would say. It had taken me a while to finally do it and inhale the drug.
My eyes began to feel heavy and I laughed a lot. My friends giggled at me thinking it was funny to watch me get high for the first time.
I remember being in a complete daze listening to the music playing on Seoham's tv in his bedroom. 'Coachella Woodstock in my mind" by Lana del Rey. I think that experience was one of the main reasons I began listening to her music. It felt nostalgic and brings back that friendship and that night of bliss.
When your high, a lot of people get extremely hungry and eat a lot. I get munchies when I'm high. I'll do nothing but sit there and eat and I think it might be why getting high makes me anxious. Because I know I won't be able to control myself.
I started smoking whenever I got the chance. With Jennie, Seoham, my cousin, Garam,
anyone I could get it from.

Don Quixote
Teen FictionDon Quixote: one whose conduct is guided more by the image of perfection than by the real world; an impractical idealist 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 A fan fiction based off of my personal experiences. (Basically just replaced my name and ever...