57% of people question their sexuality but age 11-15.
The first time I had thought I might be interested in girls was when I was 10 or 11 years old, after I started listening to kpop. I found those girls gorgeous when I had never thought of really anyone that way before, so I told myself I was a bisexual.
Sexuality is fluid. I think I changed my sexual orientation a million times before I came to the final (at least so far) conclusion I was Omni sexual with a preference for women.
When I first found out I liked girls, I really didn't know what to do with such information about myself.
I told Jennie and she was quite cool about it, later coming out herself.
I went from bisexual, to lesbian, to pansexual, to Omni sexual, to asexual, and then back to omni. It was a quite confusing path fo finally figure myself out.
Gender was another thing I struggled with throughout middle school.
I had always been a Tom boy. Never liked wear dresses or fancy shoes when I was younger, tried to hide my body as much as I could when it started to take form, I decided I was transgender when I was 12, after going through a few different genders as well to see how I felt out them (such as gender-fluid, and nonbinary).
For most of 7th grade I had worn a binder to cover my chest and went by he/him pronouns. I chopped off all my hair and my mom still complains saying "Jisoo when will you finally grow your hair out again?"
When I switched back to my original school I found myself dressing a lot more femininely and not minding when people messed up my pronouns. Eventually I decided to not really care much for what pronouns people use to call me by.
I've decided I don't need to label myself as anything.
I am who i am. I am what i exist as. I am just Jisoo.

Don Quixote
أدب المراهقينDon Quixote: one whose conduct is guided more by the image of perfection than by the real world; an impractical idealist 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 A fan fiction based off of my personal experiences. (Basically just replaced my name and ever...