Chapter 1

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"It's gonna start soon!" I yelled from the living room. The others were in the kitchen, probably getting food. They soon walked out with a large bowl of buttered popcorn and 5 cans of Coke. Ellie handed me one. "Thanks." I said.

She smiled and they all sat down on the soft berry colored couch next to me. After the previous show ended, the announcement begun.

"Now, the 1D announcement! The boys have some very exciting news for all the Directioners out there." The boys appeared on tv.

"Alright guys. We have decided that there will be a contest for all of our fans. You must record a video telling us why you deserve to win the prize. The prize will be announced after the winner is chosen. You can record the video in a group, but the limit is 6 people. The deadline for the videos is a week from now, next Friday. As much as we would like all of you to win, only one person/group can win. Good luck and once again, we owe you all a massive thank you for bringing us all the way here." The tv went blank. That's it? I expected it to be longer.

"Guys what could the prize be?" Jaya asked.

"I have no idea, but it's probably good. I want to meet them so much." Lila said.

"Then lets obviously do a video. This is our one chance to get noticed." I said, taking a handful of popcorn from the blue bowl.

"Alright, Alia. But I doubt we'll actually win." Mira said. She loudly slurped her soda.

"How about you guys come back to my house tomorrow at 5? We can have a sleepover, and make the video." I said.

"Kay, sounds good. I should get going, have to pick up Josh from his play date." Jaya said. Josh was her annoying 10 year old brother. Soon everyone left. I couldn't wait to find out what the prize was. We had to win. We all had to win that contest.

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