DP Episode 10: Arriving at Eterna City

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3rd P.O.V

After Dawn won her first Pokemon Contest in Floaroma Town after that they left to continue their journey and the next stop is at Eterna City where the second Gym Battle will be.

But first, the pair will have to go through Eterna Forest before going to Eterna City and with that we see Ace and Dawn walking the path inside of Eterna Forest.

Ace: "C'mon, Dawn. Stop giggling over your first ribbon."

Dawn: "No need to worry, Ace. I'll return to my case after I looked at it for a bit."

Ace: "*Sigh* After leaving Floaroma Town, Dawn kept looking at her first ribbon. I understand that it's her first, but you accidentally lose. I can't imagine what might happen next."

Suddenly Ace sees a small boulder in the sky and heads toward them, then Ace pushed Dawn trying to avoid the boulder that is headed towards them.

Dawn: "What was that?!"

Then they heard laughing coming from the cliff on their right side and they see a Pokemon that looks like small shark-like fins on its back with light blue skin on top and the color red on its tummy. Also, its mouth is huge with razor-sharp teeth like a shark's.

 Also, its mouth is huge with razor-sharp teeth like a shark's

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This Pokemon is called Gible a Land Shark Pokemon. Before the pair headed to Eterna City, they first stop at a Pokemon Center, and when they entered they see three Pokemon Trainers who had their Pokemon injured from a rogue Pokemon living in the Eterna Forest saying that its a powerful Pokemon.

Ace: "It must the rogue Pokemon that Nurse Joy told us."

Then they see Gible lifting the small boulder using Strength and he throws it again at Ace and Dawn, but they quickly dodge it.

Ace: "Gible using Strength!"

Next Gible uses Rock Smash to attack them, but they dodge it only for the Shiny Gible to destroy the boulder that he threw at them.

Dawn: "Gible even uses Rock Smash."

Ace: "Impressive that this Gible strength, I want to catch him. *Threw a Pokeball* Mission Start, Grotle!"

Ace brought Grotle who looks at Gible with a smirk saying that his the strongest here which make Gible angry as slashed the ground to create a Sand Attack towards Grotle, Ace and Dawn were pushed back by the strength of Gible's Sand Attack, but it seems that Grotle didn't panic a bit.

Ace: "What a powerful Sand Attack you there, but Grotle use Giga Drain!"

Grotle creates two large energy roots toward Gible, but Gible uses Dig to escape Grotle's, Giga Drain.

Ace: "Grotle use Growth!"

Grotle body is covered in a green aura raising its Sp Atk stat, but then Gible appeared behind Grotle and uses Rock Smash hitting Grotle's head multiple times to create a small explosion.

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