Part-1 the interview

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*at an interview*

"So Y/N who was you're first boyfriend?" Sandy asked

"Like first serious one or just first boyfriend? You ask

"Your first serious one"

"Oh wow my first serious boyfriend I don't know if I can say his name." You giggle thinking about him

"Oh come on why not? Sandy askes giggling with you

"Because he's in a famous band that's why"

"OH. MY. GOD. WHO" she asks "WHAT BAND?"

"I'll give you a hint they are named after a disney movie" you grin as you watch her face light up.

"NO WAY!" she gasps with wide eyes.

"Yes way" you smile as she mouthes Cinderella. "Yep that's it"

"What member?" She grins

"The one that only stayed in high school for a guitar." You laugh as her eyes once again grow wide.


"Yep I think you know who."

"Anyways lady's and gentlemen this concludes this interview with the lovely Y/N Y/L/N.

You say goodbye and get up from your chair walking towards the exit.

*a week later*

You drag yourself out of bed and stomp over to the ringing phone.

"Hello is this Y/N Y/L/N?"

"Yes that's me..." you say while wondering why this person is calling you.

"Hello Y/N, Sandy Monroe would like to interview you again next Friday if that's ok with you."

"Yeah sure I'll be there." You say while putting the phone down and checking the time


"I would like to welcome Y/N Y/L/N again."

You smile as you sit down on one of the two available chairs.

"I would also like to welcome Tom Keifer everybody." She said grinning at you.

Your heart skipped a beat as you feel yourself blush as you watched him sit down from the corner of your eye.

"So Tom, Y/N how are you today?"

"Better now" Tom grinned as he looked over at you.

"Amazing" you say looking to him and back to Sandy.

*25th of November 2022*

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