part 5- Lunch

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You woke up and hopped out of bed. You walked into the shower to wash off your face. You walked into your room and got dressed. You had lunch with Tom today, so you headed down to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

*At lunchtime*

You heard a knock at your door and quickly rushed to it while putting you earings in. You opened it up with a huge grin as you spot Tom standing in front of you.

"Hey Tom!" You smile pulling him into a hug.

"How are you beautiful?" He asked looking you up and down.

"Amazing and you?" You say walking down to the car.

"Wonderful," he says with a cute smile. He jogged around the car to the other side and opened your door. You give him a warm smile before hopping in and closing the door. Once
You were in the car. He walked around the other side and hopped in, too.

"So are we going to" you ask Him

"You'll see" he replied

*I don't know what went wrong here with the lay out so bare with me

" No fun, tell me where we're going," you Winge

"You'll see love" He replied. You roll your eyes and look out the window.

You have just arrived and you were just about to get out when Tom quickly ran around the side and opened it for you.

"Thank you" you say while trying to hide the blush on your face.

"No problem" Tom said with a little wink.

A/N- I am so sorry I haven't updated I've just been busy that's why this is so short but il work on a big chapter for the new years for you guys

*5th of January 2023*

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