part 3- dinner

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I walked over to the phone picking it up

"Hello y/n speaking"

"Hey y/n its Tom."

"Oh hi Tom how did you get my number?" You questioned

"Sandy gave it to me but anyway I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee tomorrow?" Tom asked waiting for your answer.

"Yeah sure I would love too what time?" You ask starting to feel butterfly's in your stomach.

"Il pick you up around 11:00" he said as you grinned ear to ear

"Ok great see you then." You said while placing the phone down. Immediately after that you rush up stairs planning what your going to wear.

"I don't want something fancy but I don't want something sloppy..." you said to yourself while picking up your jeans and a crop top (you can choose what colour jeans and shirt and what style yk) you pick out your shoes and place then on your desk.

Later on you decided to go to the shops just to have a look around because you had nothing to do. So you hopped in your car

*this is the car I'm imaging but you can choose whatever car you like*

If anyone wants to know it's a 1985 pontiac trans am

If anyone wants to know it's a 1985 pontiac trans am

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You hop in the car and drove to the shops. You get out of the car and walk into the mall you look around in a few shops buying a few items here and there. Your stomach growls as you start walking to the food court. Immediately you see a familia face... a handsome face. It was Tom you quickly look away seeing that he was with his band you begin walking over to were you will get your food from.

"Hey y/n over here!" You heard someone yell. You turn your head to see who it was and you saw Tom walking up to you. You smile as he puts his arm around your shoulder turning you to face the other boys.

"Y/n this is Jeff, Fred and Eric." They all say hello and shake your hand.

"So your the famous Y/n Tom always talks about." Said Eric smirking as did the other guys. Tom kicked Eric in the shins giving him a death stare.

"So y/n you here alone?" Asked Tom turning his head to you.

"Yeah thought I might buy myself some new clothes." You say smiling at him warmly.

"That nice the boys and I were here shopping for some new clothes too until I saw you." He smiled the Boys started making kissing sounds as they watched you and Tom talking.

"Oh shut up will you!" Tom snapped glaring at the boys. You just giggled watching them fool around.

"So y/n we are going out tonight wanna come with us?" Said Jeff smiling warmly.

"Umm sure if that's not a problem." You say looking at the other boys.

"Of course it's not we will pick you up around 6:00." Tom said smiling at you with his gorgeous smile that made you weak to your knees.

"Anyways I better be getting home." You say "it was good to meet you guys and good to see you Tom." You nodded your head in their direction and walked off.

"Bye Y/n" they all said in sync.

*at home*

You rushed upstairs rummaging threw the clothes that you had just bought trying to find the perfect outfit wich you did (il let you imagine what it looks like) and walked into the bathroom. You slipped of your clothes turning the shower on, stepping into the warm water. You washed your hair and body then stepped out wrapping yourself in a towl. You walked into your room closing the blinds and getting changed. Once you were done you opened them again while stepping over to your desk to dry your hair. The warmth tingled your skin as it dried your hair.

After your hair was done you got dressed and put on your make-up. You stepped down the stairs to put your shoes on while grabbing your bag and checking the time.
5:50 it read. You walked into the kitchen grabbed your wallet and waited for them to arrive.

You heard a knock at your door.

"Coming" you said while walking over to it. You opend it to see Tom.

"Hey Y/n you look nice." He said while looking you up and down.

"Why thank you Tom you look good yourself." You smiled walking out of your door. He just smiled walking you to the car that was filled with laughter.

"Oh wow you look good" Eric whistled. You chuckled at him.

"So do you guys." You said while hopping into the front of the car. It was nice you and Tom were in the front Eric, Jeff and Fred were in the back and you were all jamming to some music. Once you arrived you all walked in. It was a pizza shop. You all walked over to an empty table and started talking.

"I'm gonna go up and order now" Tom said hopping out of his chair.

"So y/n when are you and Tom going to get back together?" Eric asked leaning in

"WHAT!" You wisper yelled as you nearly choked.

"Oh come on we know you like him and he likes you." He said grinning

Word count- 900 🥳

A/N- I am so happy with how this turned out. Anyway I probably won't be posting everyday because I will work on one part for a few days so it's better and longer. ❤️

*25th of November 2022*

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