part 2- the interview

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"So Tom I was talking to Y/N a week ago and she revealed that you were her first boyfriend is that correct?" Asked Sandy

"Yeah that's correct" he said with a slight grin.

"How long has it been since you last saw each other?" Sandy questioned

"It's been atleast 6-7 years" you said looking at Tom. He nodded his head agreeing.

"So what was your relationship ship like?" Sandy asked turning to you.

"It was good you know he was my first real boyfriend actually he's been my only real boyfriend but yeah it was good I loved him so much and then I moved away." You say turning your head to Tom.

"Do you have anything to add to that?" Asked Sandy.

"Yeah umm just like y/n said she was also my first real girlfriend and yeah I really like it. It was fun we used to go see movies and go out and party. You know it was really nice then she moved away and we stayed together for about 5 months before we agreed to end it because it was getting to hard to keep talking to each other with school and everything."

"Right. Now I want to ask you two a serious question... would you ever get back together?" She asked curiously. You looked over at Tom who had a grin on his face.

"Umm I'm not sure I mean if we did I wouldn't be mad you know." He said. You nodded you head agreeing with him.

"Just like Tom said if we did get back together I wouldn't be mad I mean it would be good to be with the guy that stole my first kiss" you grin looking at Sandy

"OMG HE WAS YOUR FIRST KISS!" Sandy screeched excitedly.

"Yeah he also stole my virginity but that doesn't matter" you say side eying Tom while grinning.

"OMG well as much as I would like to continue this conversation I'm afraid we have to wrap this up but it was lovely having you two." Sand said while the crew finished filming.

After the show Tom came up to you.

"Did I really take your virginity?" He asked smirking.

"Well I wouldn't exactly lie about something like that now would I mr. Keifer" you laugh while you stare each other in the eyes

*like this*

A/N- I am so happy with how this is turning out rn

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A/N- I am so happy with how this is turning out rn. Also if you have any suggestions on what should happen just comment because I need some ideas. ❤️

*25th if November 2022*

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